[liblouis-liblouisxml] FYI, Recent research on 8-dot braille

  • From: "Susan Jolly" <easjolly@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 15:44:21 -0600

In searching for 8-dot braille on the WEB I've discovered a number of recent articles about 8-dot braille carried out by researchers from Greece. I've not yet been able to find accessible versions of these articles but will continue to try.

One study compared reading times and other factors for 6-dot and 8-dot braille read on a braille display. The participants were eight experienced braille readers aged 20 to 40. What struck me was the wide variation in reading times for just the base case. The measured reading times for general informative text in 6-dot braille varied from four to eleven minutes with the same persons typically being slower or faster than average for both tests.

More interesting to me is set of articles that attempts to create transition rules for automatically converting a six-dot braille code to a corresponding eight-dot one. These rules are based on design principles which are intended to intended to achieve various objectives such as maintaining a similarity between corresponding six-dot and eight-dot versions for user convenience.

Using this method to create an eight-dot version of Greek braille was apparently very successful. There is ongoing research to extend the transition rules as necessary to create an eight-dot version of the math and science notation in the Nemeth code.

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