[LRflex] Re: Ted's DVD

  • From: Ted Grant <tedgrant@xxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:59:18 -0700

Andy Wagner offered:

Subject:           [LRflex] Ted's DVD

>>Just had a chance to review Ted's DVD and I must say an excellent DVD and
a must see for all on the list. But Ted it does not do your skills justice,
you are much to humble compared to your talent. Also thank SWMBO (Irene) for
her support, somehow I think she was a driving and understanding force. You
honored her well in the program.<<<<<<<

Hi Andy, 

Thank you good Sir! Glad you liked it. During a photographers seminar this
past weekend at Painter's Lodge in Campbell River BC it was wild.

As the film DVD ended there was a standing ovation! Trust me a big wow to
say the least! The more times it's shown to the public and in particular
photographers of all stripes pro & amateur the greater the positive
re-action is. There were over dozen DVD's sold in a few minutes and if we
had more we could've moved another 20 easily. I think we'll be better
prepared the next time! :-) 

So obviously the production company did a smashing great job. As I
understand it's up for potentially winning some heavy duty awards later in
the year.

Once again Andy thankyou for your kind words. And I've passed along your
compliments to my wife Irene.



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