LANUG Tuesday, May 18th Meeting - Building Dynamic Applications with LINQ - Jim Wooley

  • From: Ryan Duclos <rduclos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LANUG <lanug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 18:23:03 -0500

Hello All. I just wanted to send an invitation to our next meeting! Please
RSVP to rduclos@xxxxxxxxx if you plan on attending. If you know anyone who
might be interested please let them know.

  LANUG Tuesday, May 18th Meeting - Building Dynamic Applications with LINQ
- Jim Wooley
Speaker Bio: Jim Wooley Jim Wooley is a frequent speaker, member of the
INETA Speaker Bureau, MVP, and author of "LINQ in Action". He is always
striving to stay at the forefront of technology and enjoys the thrill of a
new challenge. He has been active evangelizing LINQ since it's announcement
in 2005. Jim has actively helped to guide Microsoft through Software Design
Reviews with product teams and is an active Microsoft Data Programmer
Insider and Visual Basic Insider. In addition to speaking at numerous user
groups and code camps in 7 states, Jim has presented at VSLive, DevWeek,
DevLink, CodeMash, product launch events, MSDN conferences, and TechEd.
Event Abstract: A number of technologies have been released in recent years
which make building data driven applications easier. Starting with the
declarative data models in LINQ and the Entity Framework, we are now able to
build more dynamic applications quicker and easier than ever before.
Building on top of LINQ, we now have the ability to present data dynamically
through services (using ADO.Net Data Services), web applications (using
ASP.Net Dynamic Data and enhancements to WebForms and MVC), client
applications (through the WCF RIA Services) and external tools like Excel
PowerPivot. In all of these, we can consume our data models the way we need
to rather than by needing constantly modify our external contracts (in terms
of Stored Procedures or service contracts). The capabilities we have
available to us are not limited to the base scaffolding, but allows for
significant customization as necessary for our particular business needs. In
addition, we can reuse our underlying models to enforce business
requirements while retaining these dynamic capabilities.
Tue, May 18, 6:30pm – 8:30pm GMT-05:00
Mobile Information Technology (MIT) 651 Church St. Mobile, AL
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)

Location: Mobile Information Technology (MIT) 651 Church St. Mobile,

  Sponsor: INETA

If you or someone you know (would like to or has been having problems)
subscribing to our mailing list have them go to this site to subscribe:

If you are interested, here are some happenings in the area:

   - *SQL Saturday #22 ***
   - *SharePoint Mobile
   - Pensacola SQL Server Users Group
    - Hub City .Net User Group
   - Deep Fried Bytes (PodCast)
   - Alabama Tech Events
   - Community Megaphone

Thank you,
Ryan Duclos
Lower AL .Net User Group - President
Pensacola SQL Server User Group - Event Coordinator
SharePoint Mobile

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