[koks] erste Ergebnisse der Phrasenzuordnung

  • From: "Britta Koch" <bkoch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "kokslist" <koks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 12 Jul 2001 13:14:40 CEST


Mit von Hand ausgesuchten parellelen Saetzen und ohne Verbalphrasen
habe ichs mal laufen lassen... ich muss wirklich noch was mit den
Eigennamen machen!

das Ersuchen kam aus Deutschland .
the extradition request came from Germany .
['extradition', 'request'] ['NN', 'NN']
[] []
mehr als 180 wurden verletzt .
more than 180 persons were injured .
['more', 'persons', 'injured'] ['JJR', 'NNS', 'VBN']
['180', 'verletzt'] ['CARD', 'ADJD']
Startschuss f=FCr Bau des Forschungsreaktors in Garching
construction of research reactor at Garching underway
['Garching', 'underway'] ['NP', 'JJ']
[] []
der Kraftfahrzeugschein Soll k=FCnftig faelschungssicherer werden .
vehicle registration document to be safer against counterfeiting
['vehicle', 'registration'] ['NN', 'NN']
['Soll'] ['VMFIN']
Polizeibeamte nahmen sp=E4ter acht Tatverdaechtige Fest .
police later took 8 suspects into custody .
['police', 'took', '8', 'suspects', 'custody'] ['NNS', 'VBD', 'CD',
'NNS', 'NN']
['Polizeibeamte', 'nahmen', 'acht', 'Fest'] ['NN', 'VVFIN', 'CARD',
immer mehr Menschen werden nach Deutschland eingeschleust
more and more illegal aliens are smuggled into Germany by specialized
gangs .
['illegal', 'aliens', 'smuggled', 'specialized', 'gangs'] ['JJ', 'NNS',
'VBN', 'JJ', 'NNS']
['eingeschleust'] ['VVPP']
mindestens 63 Tote bei Campingplatzkatastrophe
at least 63 people killed at campground catastrophe
['least', '63', 'people', 'killed', 'campground', 'catastrophe']
['JJS', 'CD', 'NNS', 'VBN', 'JJ', 'NN']
['63', 'Campingplatzkatastrophe'] ['CARD', 'NN']
Muentefering f=FCr Gesetzliche Ausbildungspflicht f=FCr Unternehmen
Muentefering wants Law to make businesses accept apprentices
['Muentefering', 'wants', 'apprentices'] ['NP', 'VBZ', 'NNS']
[] []
Verfassungsgericht untersagt Abschiebung von krankem Kind
Federal Constitutional Court forbids deportation of sick child
['Federal', 'Constitutional', 'Court', 'forbids', 'deportation',
'sick'] ['NP', 'NP', 'NP', 'VBZ', 'NN', 'JJ']
['Verfassungsgericht', 'untersagt', 'krankem'] ['NN', 'VVFIN', 'ADJA']
der Kraftfahrzeugschein Soll k=FCnftig faelschungssicherer werden .
vehicle registration document to be safer against counterfeiting
['vehicle', 'registration'] ['NN', 'NN']
['Soll'] ['VMFIN']
Polizeibeamte nahmen sp=E4ter acht Tatverdaechtige Fest .
police later took 8 suspects into custody .
['police', 'took', '8', 'suspects', 'custody'] ['NNS', 'VBD', 'CD',
'NNS', 'NN']
['Polizeibeamte', 'nahmen', 'acht', 'Fest'] ['NN', 'VVFIN', 'CARD',
der Richter machte zudem mildernde Umst=E4nde geltend .
the judge furthermore brought in extenuating circumstances .
['brought', 'extenuating'] ['VBN', 'JJ']
['geltend'] ['ADJD']
EU macht Druck auf bosnische Kroaten in Mostar
EU Exercises pressure om Bosnian Croats in Mostar
['EU', 'om', 'Bosnian', 'Croats', 'Mostar'] ['NP', 'NN', 'JJ', 'NP',
['Kroaten'] ['NN']
Priebke Verlie=DF das Gericht als freier Mann .
Priebke left the court as a free man .
['Priebke'] ['NP']
[] []
der Schwerpunkt der Proteste war erneut Nordrhein-Westfalen .
once again , the focus of the protests was Northrhine-Westphalia .
['the', 'focus'] ['DT', 'NN']
['Schwerpunkt'] ['NN']
['Northrhine-Westphalia'] ['NP']
['Nordrhein-Westfalen'] ['NE']
er berief sich jedoch auf einen Befehlsnotstand .
he claimed , however , to have acted in an emergency situation , short
of superior orders .
['claimed', 'have', 'acted', 'emergency', 'situation', 'short',
'superior'] ['VBD', 'VB', 'VBN', 'NN', 'NN', 'JJ', 'JJ']
['berief', 'Befehlsnotstand'] ['VVFIN', 'NN']
gleichzeitig wurde die Auslieferungshaft f=FCr Priebke best=E4tigt .
at the same time , it was confirmed that Mr. Priebke would be held in
custody pending extradition .
['Mr.', 'Priebke', 'would', 'held', 'custody', 'pending',
'extradition'] ['NP', 'NP', 'MD', 'VBN', 'NN', 'VBG', 'NN']
[] []
aus Zagreb hat Pr=E4sident Tudjman seine Emissaere geschickt .
President Tudjman has sent his emissaries from Zagreb .
['President', 'Tudjman', 'has', 'emissaries', 'Zagreb'] ['NP', 'NP',
'VBZ', 'NNS', 'NP']
['Tudjman'] ['NE']
zwei Algerier wurden bei dem =DCberfall leicht verletzt .
two Algerians were slightly injured in the attack .
['two', 'Algerians', 'injured'] ['CD', 'NNS', 'VBN']
['zwei', 'verletzt'] ['CARD', 'ADJD']
der Urteilsspruch wurde im Gerichtssaal mit Unmut aufgenommen .
the verdict was met with disagreement in the courtroom .
['with', 'disagreement'] ['IN', 'NN']
['mit', 'Unmut'] ['APPR', 'NN']
['verdict', 'met'] ['NN', 'VBN']
['aufgenommen'] ['VVPP']
die Diskussion um die vorgesehene gro=DFe Steuerreform dauert an .
the discussion around the envisaged major tax reform continues .
['envisaged', 'major', 'tax', 'reform', 'continues'] ['VBN', 'JJ',
'NN', 'NN', 'VBZ']
['Steuerreform', 'dauert', 'an'] ['NN', 'VVFIN', 'PTKVZ']
nach HBV-Angaben beteiligten sich mehr als 2.000 Besch=E4ftigte an dem
Ausstand .
HBV counted more than 2,000 employees laying down work .
['HBV', 'counted', 'more', 'laying', 'work'] ['NP', 'VBD', 'JJR',
'VBG', 'NN']
['2.000', 'Ausstand'] ['CARD', 'NN']
der Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels sprach von einem
Horrorkatalog .
the German Retailers # Association spoke of a catalogue of horrors .
['Retailers', '#', 'Association', 'spoke', 'catalogue', 'horrors']
['NP', 'POS', 'NP', 'VBD', 'NN', 'NNS']
['sprach', 'Horrorkatalog'] ['VVFIN', 'NN']
das Ultimatum l=E4uft in wenigen Stunden um Mitternacht aus .
the ultimatum is to expire in a few hours , at midnight [ Saturday ] .
['is', 'expire', 'hours', 'midnight', 'Saturday'] ['VBZ', 'VB', 'NNS',
'NN', 'NP']
['l\344uft', 'aus'] ['VVFIN', 'PTKVZ']
Hinze : Verh=E4ltnis zwischen SPD und PDS wird Wahlkampfthema 1998
CDU Secretary Hinze wants to make the relationship between SPD and PDS
as a topic for the 1998 election campaign .
['make', 'the'] ['VB', 'DT']
['SPD'] ['NE']
['CDU', 'Secretary', 'Hinze', 'wants', 'SPD', 'PDS', 'topic', '1998',
'campaign'] ['NP', 'NP', 'NP', 'VBZ', 'NP', 'NP', 'NN', 'CD', 'NN']
['PDS', 'Wahlkampfthema', '1998'] ['NE', 'NN', 'CARD']
Zahl der Verkehrstoten 1995 erneut gesunken
number of deaths in traffic accidents has dropped again in 1995
['number', 'accidents', 'has', 'dropped', '1995'] ['NN', 'NNS', 'VBZ',
'VBN', 'CD']
['Zahl', '1995', 'erneut', 'gesunken'] ['NN', 'CARD', 'ADJD', 'VVPP']
der Schwerpunkt der Proteste war erneut Nordrhein-Westfalen .
once again , the focus of the protests was Northrhine-Westphalia .
['the', 'focus'] ['DT', 'NN']
['Schwerpunkt'] ['NN']
['Northrhine-Westphalia'] ['NP']
['Nordrhein-Westfalen'] ['NE']
Bundesanstalt f=FCr Arbeit legt Studie zur Arbeitslosigkeit vor
its jobs and careers Research Institute presented a study today .
['jobs', 'careers', 'Research', 'Institute', 'presented', 'study',
'today'] ['NNS', 'NNS', 'NP', 'NP', 'VBD', 'NN', 'NN']
['Bundesanstalt', 'legt', 'Studie', 'Arbeitslosigkeit'] ['NN', 'VVFIN',
'NN', 'NN']
Angeh=F6rige der damaligen SS-Opfer nannten Priebke einen Faschisten und
M=F6rder .
relatives of the SS victims called Priebke a fascist and a murderer .
['the', 'SS'] ['DT', 'NP']
['damaligen', 'SS-Opfer'] ['ADJA', 'NN']
['the', 'SS'] ['DT', 'NP']
['der', 'damaligen', 'SS-Opfer'] ['ART', 'ADJA', 'NN']
['the', 'SS'] ['DT', 'NP']
['SS-Opfer'] ['NN']
['the', 'SS'] ['DT', 'NP']
['Priebke', 'einen'] ['NN', 'ART']
['relatives', 'Priebke', 'fascist', 'murderer'] ['NNS', 'NP', 'JJ',
['Angeh\366rige', 'M\366rder'] ['NN', 'NN']
der Fall wurde zur erneuten Entscheidung an das Verwaltungsgericht
zurueckverwiesen .
the case was sent back to the Administrative Court for a new ruling .
['back', 'to', 'the'] ['RP', 'TO', 'DT']
['zur', 'erneuten', 'Entscheidung'] ['APPRART', 'ADJA', 'NN']
['to', 'the'] ['TO', 'DT']
['erneuten', 'Entscheidung'] ['ADJA', 'NN']
['Court'] ['NP']
['Verwaltungsgericht'] ['NN']
das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat die Abschiebung eines schwerkranken
kurdischen Fluechtlingskindes verhindert .
the Federal Constitutional Court has prevented the deportation of a
seriously ill Kurdish refugee child .
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['Bundesverfassungsgericht'] ['NN']
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['die', 'Abschiebung'] ['ART', 'NN']
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['eines', 'schwerkranken', 'kurdischen', 'Fluechtlingskindes'] ['ART',
'ADJA', 'ADJA', 'NN']
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['schwerkranken', 'kurdischen', 'Fluechtlingskindes'] ['ADJA', 'ADJA',
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['schwerkranken', 'kurdischen'] ['ADJA', 'ADJA']
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['Abschiebung', 'eines', 'schwerkranken', 'kurdischen'] ['NN', 'ART',
['prevented', 'the'] ['VBN', 'DT']
['eines', 'schwerkranken', 'kurdischen'] ['ART', 'ADJA', 'ADJA']
['Federal', 'Constitutional', 'Court', 'has', 'prevented', 'Kurdish',
'refugee'] ['NP', 'NP', 'NP', 'VBZ', 'VBN', 'JJ', 'NN']
['hat', 'verhindert'] ['VAFIN', 'VVPP']
auch in Hannover h=E4lt sich die Polizei weiter in Bereitschaft .
police in Hannover is on the watch , but no unrest was reported
throughout the night .
['the', 'watch'] ['DT', 'NN']
['die', 'Polizei'] ['ART', 'NN']
['the', 'watch'] ['DT', 'NN']
['Polizei'] ['NN']
['police', 'is', 'unrest', 'was', 'reported', 'night'] ['NNS', 'VBZ',
'NN', 'VBD', 'VBN', 'NN']
['h\344lt', 'Bereitschaft'] ['VVFIN', 'NN']

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  • » [koks] erste Ergebnisse der Phrasenzuordnung