[klaatumail] Re: klaatumail Digest V1 #126

  • From: "Bradley, David" <David_Bradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:54:03 -0500

>> I had one artist on Bullseye who refused to listen to ANY record
>> executive, ever, until such time as they showed him their million
>> cheque for songwriting royalties.

> My thoughts exactly. If these people know so damn
> much about music, why aren't THEIR records racing
> up the charts?

The problem there is that, the million dollar check the guy is showing
off may have been for a huge pop song success from 20, 30, or even 40
years ago that the songwriter/performer has never been able to
duplicate.  AND, even if he or she COULD duplicate that kind of success,
there's no guarantee that any label will let them.  Especially if he's
dealing with major labels.  They're only in it for the business side of
things and could care less about a talented writer who can write a song
that infects all our minds and makes us hum it in the shower, in the
car, in our sleep.....  Which is why they're advice shouldn't be taken,
however, without taking that advice, you may never get another million
dollar songwriting royalty check.....

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