[klaatumail] Re: Sorry if this has already been posted (no KK)

  • From: Jaimie Vernon <bullseyecanada@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 14:27:54 -0400


> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:25:33 -0400
> Maybe I should have just said : "This day in history"
> It amazes me that bands today need to "go on tour" to promote their 
> records...yet , the Beatles did not need any tour after 1966...and their 
> albums still topped the charts.

The Beatles earned themselves that luxury. They were multi-millionaires by the 
time George Harrison threatened to quit over the idiocy of touring in '66. They 
didn't NEED to tour...so they stopped. But acts like The Who, The Kinks and The 
Rolling Stones had to continue touring because their hit record success rate 
and merchandising deals weren't as lucrative. It wasn't until the Stones took 
control of their destiny in the early '70s that they began to afford to do 
intermittent tours. And at this point, they don't even need to tour 
anymore...but they like to...which is McCartney's way of seeing it. Both of 
them love to play...and that's how it should be.



Jaimie Vernon,
President, Bullseye Records
CDs: http://www.bullseyecanada.com
MP3s: http://www.bullseyesongs.com
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Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia

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