[klaatumail] Anyone remember Kevin Zahm?

  • From: "Bradley, David" <David_Bradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 09:41:22 -0400

Hi folks,

Some of the long time list members may remember Kevin Zahm, who used to
be on this list, but I believe is not currently a member.

Back in September he sent me a link, however, he sent it to me at
klaatu@xxxxxxxxxx, which I no longer read because it gets hundreds of
spam mails a day. I don't put a different email address on the webpage
because the same spam web crawlers will pick that up immediately and
start sending spam there. (I verified this by creating an email address
in the klaatu.org domain and letting it sit unused for 60 days.  It
received no spam.  I placed it in one of the klaatu website documents
for five minutes, then re-uploaded the original document without that
address in it.  By the time 15 minutes had passed, the spam mail started
coming into that email address.  It had never been given out to any
organization or anything and just it's existence for those first 60 days
wasn't enough for it to start getting spam.

Anyhow, I read his message today and have a VERY interesting link to
pass along to people.

Check this image out!



Dave Bradley

Other related posts:

  • » [klaatumail] Anyone remember Kevin Zahm? - Bradley, David