[kgtp] r978 committed - Add hotcode.py to trunk

  • From: kgtp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: kgtp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 02:39:11 +0000

Revision: 978
Author:   teawater
Date:     Sun Mar 18 19:37:29 2012
Log:      Add hotcode.py to trunk



--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/add-ons/hotcode.py   Sun Mar 18 19:37:29 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# This script is used to find the hotcode in some tasks
+# GPL
+# Copyright(C) Hui Zhu (teawater@xxxxxxxxx), 2012
+import gdb
+import tempfile
+import os
+import signal
+debug_dir = "/usr/lib/debug/"
+from operator import itemgetter
+def dict_sort(d, reverse=False):
+       #proposed in PEP 265, using  the itemgetter
+       return sorted(d.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+def sigint_handler(num, e):
+       hotcode_show()
+       try:
+               s = raw_input('Continue? (yes)')
+       except:
+               s = 'y'
+       finally:
+               if s[0:1] != 'n' and s[0:1] != 'N':
+                       return;
+       #gdb.execute("inferior 1")
+       try:
+               gdb.execute("tfind -1", True, False)
+               gdb.execute("target remote /sys/kernel/debug/gtp", True, False)
+               gdb.execute("set disconnected-tracing off", True, False)
+       except:
+ print "Try to stop GTP got error, please use command \"sudo rmmod gtp.ko\" stop it."
+       exit(1);
+def add_inferior():
+       fid = gdb.execute("add-inferior", False, True)
+       if fid.find("Added inferior ") != 0:
+               return -1
+       fid = int(fid[len("Added inferior "):])
+       return fid
+def get_addr_range_list(fun):
+       buf = gdb.execute("info line "+fun, False, True)
+       line_list = buf.split(os.linesep)
+       ret = []
+       begin = -1
+       end = -1
+       for line in line_list:
+               addr_begin = line.find("starts at address ")
+               if addr_begin >= 0:
+                       line = line[addr_begin + len("starts at address "):]
+                       addr_end = line.find(" <"+fun)
+                       if addr_end >= 0:
+                               begin = int(line[:addr_end], 0)
+                               line = line[addr_end + len(" <"+fun):]
+               addr_begin = line.find("ends at ")
+               if addr_begin >= 0:
+                       line = line[addr_begin + len("ends at "):]
+                       addr_end = line.find(" <"+fun)
+                       if addr_end > 0:
+                               end = int(line[:addr_end], 0)
+                               if begin != -1:
+                                       ret.append([begin, end])
+                               begin = -1
+                               end = -1
+       if len(ret) > 0:
+               buf = gdb.execute("disassemble "+fun, False, True)
+               line_list = buf.split(os.linesep)
+               line_list.reverse()
+               end = 0
+               for line in line_list:
+                       addr_begin = line.find("0x")
+                       if addr_begin >= 0:
+                               line = line[addr_begin:]
+                               addr_end = line.find(" <+")
+                               if addr_end > 0:
+                                       end = int(line[:addr_end], 0) + 1
+                                       break
+               if end != 0:
+                       offset = 0
+                       for c in ret:
+                               if c[1] < end:
+                                       if offset == 0 or offset > (end - c[1]):
+                                               offset = end - c[1]
+                       for c in ret:
+                               c[1] += offset
+       return ret
+#0 inferior_id  1 dir_name 2 kernel_list 3 user_list
+#list 0 function_list 1 file_list 2 line_list
+task_list = {}
+no_task = False
+kernel_hotcode_list = ({},{},{})
+#info[0] line_num, info[1] file_name, info[2] function_name
+def add_info_to_code_list(info, code_list):
+       #function_list
+       if info[2] in code_list[0]:
+               code_list[0][info[2]] += 1
+       else:
+               code_list[0][info[2]] = 1
+       #file_list
+       if info[1] in code_list[1]:
+               code_list[1][info[1]] += 1
+       else:
+               code_list[1][info[1]] = 1
+       #line_list
+       line = info[1]+":"+info[0]
+       if line in code_list[2]:
+               code_list[2][line] += 1
+       else:
+               code_list[2][line] = 1
+def task_list_add_line(is_user, pid, info):
+       if no_task:
+               #function_list
+               add_info_to_code_list (info, kernel_hotcode_list)
+       else:
+               if is_user:
+                       add_info_to_code_list (info, task_list[pid][3])
+               else:
+                       add_info_to_code_list (info, task_list[pid][2])
+show_line_number = 20
+def hotcode_show_code_list(string, code_list):
+       if len(code_list) > 0:
+               print "\t", string
+               i = 1
+               for c in dict_sort(code_list):
+                       print "\t", c[0], "\t\t", c[1]
+                       i += 1
+                       if i > show_line_number:
+                               break
+               print
+def hotcode_show():
+       if no_task:
+               hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest function", 
+               hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest file", kernel_hotcode_list[1])
+               hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest line", kernel_hotcode_list[2])
+       else:
+               for pid in task_list:
+                       print "task", str(pid), task_list[pid][1]
+                       print "Kernel hotcode:"
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest function", 
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest file", 
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest line", 
+                       print "User hotcode:"
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest function", 
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest file", 
+                       hotcode_show_code_list("Hotest line", 
+                       print
+gdb.execute("set target-async on", True, False)
+gdb.execute("set pagination off", True, False)
+gdb.execute("set confirm off", True, False)
+gdb.execute("set circular-trace-buffer on", True, False)
+gdb.execute("set debug-file-directory "+debug_dir, True, False)
+       gdb.execute("kill", True, False)
+       pass
+trace_user = True
+trace_kernel = True
+while 1:
+       tmp = "Both"
+       try:
+               tmp = raw_input('Which part of code you want 
+       except:
+               continue
+       if tmp[0:1] == 'U' or tmp[0:1] == 'u':
+               trace_kernel = False
+       elif tmp[0:1] == 'K' or tmp[0:1] == 'k':
+               trace_user = False
+       break
+#Get which task pid why want to trace
+print("Please input the pid of tasks that you want to trace - one per line (use empty to end input).")
+print("If not set any task, will trace all code in the Kernel.")
+while 1:
+       pid = -1
+       try:
+               pid = input('id:')
+       except:
+               pass
+       if pid <= 0:
+               break
+       if pid in task_list:
+               print("This pid already in the list.")
+               continue
+       user_dir = ""
+       fid = 0
+       if trace_user:
+               try:
+                       orig_user_dir = user_dir = 
+               except:
+                       #maybe this is the kernel task
+ print "Cannot get the user code info of this pid, will not parse the user level code symbol"
+                       task_list[pid] = (fid, user_dir, {}, {})
+                       continue
+               if os.path.exists(debug_dir+user_dir):
+                       user_dir = debug_dir+user_dir
+               while 1:
+                       tmp = ""
+                       try:
+ tmp = raw_input('Please input the debug binary of task if you want to change it:['+user_dir+']')
+                       except:
+                               continue
+                       if tmp != "":
+                               user_dir = os.path.realpath(tmp)
+                       break
+               if not os.path.exists(user_dir):
+ print "Cannot get the user code info of this pid, will not parse the user level code symbol"
+                       task_list[pid] = (fid, user_dir, {}, {})
+                       continue
+               print "Use "+user_dir+" as debug binary."
+               fid = add_inferior()
+               if fid < 0:
+                       print "Try to load task got error."
+                       continue
+               gdb.execute("inferior "+str(fid))
+               pfile = open("/proc/"+str(pid)+"/maps", "r")
+               tmplist = pfile.read().split(os.linesep)
+               pfile.close()
+               for c in tmplist:
+                       c_list = c.split(" ")
+                       filename = c_list[-1].strip()
+ if filename != orig_user_dir and os.path.exists(filename) and len(c_list) > 2 and len(c_list[1]) > 3 and c_list[1][2] == 'x':
+                               addr = "0x"+c_list[0][0:c.find('-')]
+                               gdb.execute("file "+filename)
+                               info_files = gdb.execute("info files", True, 
+                               info_files_list = info_files.split(os.linesep)
+                               text_offset = "0x0"
+                               for line in info_files_list:
+                                       line_list = line.split(" is ")
+                                       if len(line_list) == 2 and line_list[1].strip() 
== ".text":
+                                               line_list[0] = 
+                                               text_offset = 
line_list[0][0:line_list[0].find(' - ')]
+                               print ("add-symbol-file "+filename+" 
+                               gdb.execute("add-symbol-file "+filename+" 
+               gdb.execute("file "+user_dir)
+               gdb.execute("inferior 1")
+       task_list[pid] = (fid, user_dir, ({},{},{}), ({},{},{}))
+def get_ignore_str(function):
+       ret = ""
+       try:
+               s = raw_input('Do you want to ignore function \"'+function+'\"? 
+       except:
+               s = 'y'
+       if s[0:1] != 'n' and s[0:1] != 'N':
+               r_list = get_addr_range_list(function)
+               for r in r_list:
+                       if ret != "":
+                               ret += " && "
+                       else:
+                               ret += "&& ("
+                       #(regs->ip < r[0] || regs->ip > r[1])
+                       ret += "($pc_ip0 < "+str(r[0])+" || $pc_ip0 > 
+               if ret != "":
+                       ret += ")"
+       return ret
+ignore_str = ""
+if len(task_list) == 0:
+       trace_user = False
+       trace_kernel = True
+       no_task = True
+ show_line_number = input('Show line number (0 meas all)?['+str(show_line_number)+']')
+       show_line_number = 20
+#Set tracepoint
+gdb.execute("target remote /sys/kernel/debug/gtp", True, False)
+       gdb.execute("tstop", True, False)
+       gdb.execute("delete", True, False)
+       pass
+def getmod():
+       #following code is get from ../getmod.py
+       #use the code directly because sys.argv = [''] inside GDB
+       def format_file(name):
+               tmp = ""
+               for c in name:
+                       if c == "_":
+                               c = "-"
+                       tmp += c
+               return tmp
+       #Check if the target is available
+       if str(gdb.selected_thread()) == "None":
+               raise gdb.error("Please connect to Linux Kernel before use the 
+       #Output the help
+ print "Use GDB command \"set $mod_search_dir=dir\" to set an directory for search the modules."
+       ignore_gtp_ko = gdb.parse_and_eval("$ignore_gtp_ko")
+       if ignore_gtp_ko.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT:
+               ignore_gtp_ko = int(ignore_gtp_ko)
+       else:
+               ignore_gtp_ko = 1
+       #Get the mod_search_dir
+       mod_search_dir_list = []
+       #Get dir from $mod_search_dir
+       tmp_dir = gdb.parse_and_eval("$mod_search_dir")
+       if tmp_dir.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_ARRAY:
+               tmp_dir = str(tmp_dir)
+               tmp_dir = tmp_dir[1:len(tmp_dir)]
+               tmp_dir = tmp_dir[0:tmp_dir.index("\"")]
+               mod_search_dir_list.append(tmp_dir)
+       #Get dir that same with current vmlinux
+       tmp_dir = str(gdb.execute("info files", False, True))
+ tmp_dir = tmp_dir[tmp_dir.index("Symbols from \"")+len("Symbols from \""):len(tmp_dir)]
+       tmp_dir = tmp_dir[0:tmp_dir.index("\"")]
+       tmp_dir = tmp_dir[0:tmp_dir.rindex("/")]
+       mod_search_dir_list.append(tmp_dir)
+       #Get the dir of current Kernel
+       tmp_dir = "/lib/modules/" + str(os.uname()[2])
+       if os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
+               mod_search_dir_list.append(tmp_dir)
+       #Let user choice dir
+       mod_search_dir = ""
+       while mod_search_dir == "":
+               for i in range(0, len(mod_search_dir_list)):
+                       print str(i)+". "+mod_search_dir_list[i]
+               try:
+                       s = input('Select a directory for search the modules 
+               except SyntaxError:
+                       s = 0
+               except:
+                       continue
+               if s < 0 or s >= len(mod_search_dir_list):
+                       continue
+               mod_search_dir = mod_search_dir_list[s]
+ mod_list_offset = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("((size_t) &(((struct module *)0)->list))"))
+       mod_list = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("(&modules)"))
+       mod_list_current = mod_list
+       while 1:
+ mod_list_current = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct list_head *) "+str(mod_list_current)+")->next"))
+               #check if need break the loop
+               if mod_list == mod_list_current:
+                       break
+               mod = mod_list_current - mod_list_offset
+               #get mod_name
+ mod_name = str(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct module *)"+str(mod)+")->name"))
+               mod_name = mod_name[mod_name.index("\"")+1:len(mod_name)]
+               mod_name = mod_name[0:mod_name.index("\"")]
+               if mod_name == "fglrx":
+                       contiue
+               mod_name += ".ko"
+               mod_name = format_file(mod_name)
+               #get mod_dir_name
+               mod_dir_name = ""
+               for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mod_search_dir):
+                       for afile in files:
+                               tmp_file = format_file(afile)
+                               if tmp_file == mod_name:
+                                       mod_dir_name = os.path.join(root,afile)
+                                       break
+                       if mod_dir_name != "":
+                               break
+               command = " "
+               #Add module_core to command
+ command += str(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct module *)"+str(mod)+")->module_core"))
+               #Add each sect_attrs->attrs to command
+               #get nsections
+ nsections = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct module *)"+str(mod)+")->sect_attrs->nsections")) + sect_attrs = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("(u64)((struct module *)"+str(mod)+")->sect_attrs"))
+               for i in range(0, nsections):
+                       command += " -s"
+ tmp = str(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct module_sect_attrs *)"+str(sect_attrs)+")->attrs["+str(i)+"].name"))
+                       tmp = tmp[tmp.index("\"")+1:len(tmp)]
+                       tmp = tmp[0:tmp.index("\"")]
+                       command += " "+tmp
+ tmp = str(gdb.parse_and_eval("((struct module_sect_attrs *)"+str(sect_attrs)+")->attrs["+str(i)+"].address"))
+                       command += " "+tmp
+               if mod_dir_name == "":
+                       print "Cannot find out",mod_name,"from directory."
+                       print "Please use following command load the symbols from 
+                       print "add-symbol-file some_dir/"+mod_name+command
+               else:
+                       if ignore_gtp_ko and mod_name == "gtp.ko":
+                               pass
+                       else:
+                               #print "add-symbol-file "+mod_dir_name+command
+                               gdb.execute("add-symbol-file 
"+mod_dir_name+command, False, False)
+if trace_kernel:
+       try:
+               s = raw_input('Do you load the symbol from LKM? [no]')
+       except:
+               s = 'n'
+       if s[0:1] == 'y' or s[0:1] == 'Y':
+               getmod()
+cpu_number = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$cpu_number"))
+tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp()
+tempfile = open(tempfilename, "w")
+if no_task:
+       #Setup first tracepoint
+       ignore_str += get_ignore_str("arch_local_irq_enable")
+       ignore_str += get_ignore_str("intel_idle")
+       # GDB have bug with long conditon so close them
+       #ignore_str += get_ignore_str("__do_softirq")
+       #ignore_str += get_ignore_str("_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore")
+       for i in range(0, cpu_number):
+               tempfile.write("tvariable $pc_ip"+str(i)+"\n")
+               tempfile.write("tvariable $pc_cs"+str(i)+"\n")
+       tempfile.write("trace handle_irq\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("teval $pc_ip0=(u64)regs->ip\n")
+       tempfile.write("teval $pc_cs0=(u64)regs->cs\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+       #Setup second tracepoint
+       tempfile.write("trace handle_irq\n")
+       cond_str = " (($pc_cs0 & 3) == 0)"
+       tempfile.write("condition $bpnum "+cond_str+ignore_str+"\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $no_self_trace\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $pc_ip0\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+       tempfile.write("trace smp_apic_timer_interrupt\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("teval $pc_ip0=(u64)regs->ip\n")
+       tempfile.write("teval $pc_cs0=(u64)regs->cs\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+       #Setup second tracepoint
+       tempfile.write("trace smp_apic_timer_interrupt\n")
+       cond_str = " (($pc_cs0 & 3) == 0)"
+       tempfile.write("condition $bpnum "+cond_str+ignore_str+"\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $no_self_trace\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $pc_ip0\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+       pid_str = ""
+       for pid in task_list:
+               if pid_str != "":
+                       pid_str += " || "
+               else:
+                       pid_str += "("
+               pid_str += "($current_task_pid == "+str(pid)+") "
+       if pid_str != "":
+               pid_str += ")"
+       cond_str = ""
+       if not trace_user:
+               if pid_str != "":
+                       cond_str += " && "
+               cond_str += " ((regs->cs & 3) == 0)"
+       elif not trace_kernel:
+               if pid_str != "":
+                       cond_str += "&&"
+               cond_str += " ((regs->cs & 3) == 3)"
+       tempfile.write("trace handle_irq\n")
+       tempfile.write("condition $bpnum "+pid_str+cond_str+"\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect regs->ip\n")
+       if trace_user and trace_kernel:
+               tempfile.write("collect regs->cs\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $current_task_pid\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+       tempfile.write("trace smp_apic_timer_interrupt\n")
+       tempfile.write("condition $bpnum "+pid_str+cond_str+"\n")
+       tempfile.write("commands\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect regs->ip\n")
+       if trace_user and trace_kernel:
+               tempfile.write("collect regs->cs\n")
+       tempfile.write("collect $current_task_pid\n")
+       tempfile.write("end\n")
+tempfile = open(tempfilename, "r")
+print "Tracepoint command:"
+print tempfile.read()
+gdb.execute("source "+tempfilename, True, False)
+gdb.execute("set disconnected-tracing on", True, False)
+gdb.execute("kill", True, False)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler);
+signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGINT, False);
+#Connect to pipe
+gdb.execute("target tfile /sys/kernel/debug/gtpframe_pipe")
+def get_line_from_sym(sym):
+       sym = sym.rstrip(os.linesep)
+       #Get line_num and file_name
+       begin = sym.find("Line ")
+       end = sym.find("\" starts at address")
+       line_num = "Unknow"
+       file_name = "Unknow"
+       if begin >= 0 and end > 0 and begin + len("Line ") < end:
+               line = sym[begin + len("Line "):end]
+               line = line.split(" of \"")
+               if len(line) == 2:
+                       line_num = line[0]
+                       file_name = line[1]
+               sym = sym[end:]
+       #Get function_name
+       begin = sym.find("<")
+       end = sym.find(">")
+       if begin >= 0 and end > 0 and begin + 1 < end:
+               function_name = sym[begin + 1:end]
+               end = function_name.rfind("+")
+               if end > 0:
+                       function_name = function_name[:end]
+       else:
+               function_name = "Unknow"
+       return (line_num, file_name, function_name)
+if no_task:
+       while 1:
+               try:
+                       gdb.execute("tfind 0", False, True)
+                       cpu_id = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("$cpu_id"));
+                       sym = gdb.execute("info line *($pc_ip"+str(cpu_id)+" - 
1)", True, True)
+                       line = get_line_from_sym(sym)
+                       task_list_add_line(False, 0, line)
+               except gdb.error, x:
+                       print("Drop one entry because", x)
+               except gdb.MemoryError, x:
+                       print("Drop one entry because", x)
+               try:
+                       gdb.execute("tfind 1", False, True)
+               except:
+                       pass
+       while 1:
+               try:
+                       gdb.execute("tfind 0", False, True)
+                       is_user = False
+                       pid = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("$current_task_pid"))
+                       if not pid in task_list:
+ raise gdb.error ("Cannot find inferior for pid "+ str(pid) +", drop one entry.")
+                       if trace_user and long(gdb.parse_and_eval("regs->cs & 
3")) == 3:
+                               is_user = True
+                               if task_list[pid][0] == 0:
+                                       sym = ""
+                               else:
+                                       ip = long(gdb.parse_and_eval("regs->ip - 
+                                       gdb.execute("inferior 
"+str(task_list[pid][0]), False, True)
+                                       sym = gdb.execute("info line 
*"+str(ip), True, True)
+                                       gdb.execute("inferior 1", False, True)
+                       else:
+                               sym = gdb.execute("info line *(regs->ip - 1)", 
True, True)
+                       line = get_line_from_sym(sym)
+                       task_list_add_line(is_user, pid, line)
+               except gdb.error, x:
+                       print("Drop one entry because", x)
+               except gdb.MemoryError, x:
+                       print("Drop one entry because", x)
+               try:
+                       gdb.execute("tfind 1", False, True)
+               except:
+                       pass

Other related posts:

  • » [kgtp] r978 committed - Add hotcode.py to trunk - kgtp