[k3] Earth Day Project

  • From: Glovely@xxxxxxx
  • To: k3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 20:53:32 EST

Here is a message about a GREAT Earth Day project you may want to join...
Earth Day is just around the corner - April 22! This is your invitation to
join in on one of the oldest and largest educational activities coordinated
on the Internet: The Earth Day Groceries Project. Celebrating its ELEVENTH
ANNIVERSARY on the Internet, this is a free environmental education activity
where students are empowered as educators in their communities.

The web site: http://www.earthdaybags.org

The procedure:
1) a school/group borrows paper bags from a local grocery store
2) students decorate those bags with beautiful environmental art and
environmental awareness messages, and then return the bags to the store
3) the store distributes those bags (full of groceries) to amazed shoppers
on Earth Day
4) the school sends in a report to the project web site, documenting its

No registration is required. It costs nothing to participate. All that's
needed is someone to organize the effort at your school (other groups can
participate, too!). Stop by the web site to find out more.  You'll find
complete directions, free posters, an FAQ, screensavers, PowerPoint
presentations, desktop wallpaper, and much more!

This year, there is a moderated mailing list (listserv) for the project,
where late-breaking news is distributed and where ideas are exchanged.

The Earth Day Groceries Project has thousands of inspirational reports and
pictures archived on the web site. In 2003, over a million pieces of art,
carefully created on grocery bags, were given away by children who cared
about their Earth. In the spirit of Earth Day, that message will be sent out
again in 2004. I hope you and your school can be a part of it. Happy Earth
Day! - Mark

Mark Ahlness
The Earth Day Groceries Project

Gail Lovely

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  • » [k3] Earth Day Project