[JYO] Big changes at Leesburg Executive Airport - New Part Time Airport Director???!!!

  • From: FlyboyEd@xxxxxxx
  • To: flyboyed@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 17:31:02 -0500 (EST)


Leesburg's Town Manager presented his five year budget  plan to the Town 
Council yesterday.  In the Airport section, he's proposing  "operational and 
capital improvement reductions and deferrals" (without much  detail) and 
proposing a RIF (government term for Layoff - Reduction In  Force) of 20 
employees, one of whom is the Airport Manager.  My  friends at the airport tell 
that he's going to use another supervisor to run  the airport on a part-time 
basis.  Apparently Tim is on admin leave until  the Council blesses the 
budget in total.

The Town Manager is supposed to be on the agenda to  brief his detailed 
plan to the Airport Commission on Thursday evening at 7 PM at  the airport, in 
the conference room on the third floor.  I have to work and  can't make the 
meeting, but concerned Leesburg Pilots should go and hear what is  said.
Yeah, I miss the good old days...
Ed Levine
I still hope we can pull off the airshow on 10/1.  I  am not sure how I got 
your name..  but further updates will go out to  my JYO list ONLY.  If you 
are not on it, you can get on it at _http://leesburgpilots.com_ 

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