[JA] Re: spam...

  • From: jerry Cass <jcsthename@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 21:38:11 -0600

What do you do with those messages that come to you with no body to them?
 I exported one to a text document, named it "scum.uue", used UUDeview to
decode it, and tried to rename it...but AVG wouldn't allow access to it,
because it contained a Klez I worm, don't you know!  The message came,
more than once, from someone in Singapore who shouldn't have my email
address, anyway.  Do you send these types of messages to Juno for their
robot scrutiny?   How are these dealt with?  

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:52:06 -0500 James E Henderson
<jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx> writes:
 Yes, with full headers so the spamdesk robots know the path the spam
travelled, not just the phony address it claims to be from.  

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