[JA] Re: how to remove / uninstall programs

  • From: "thepccat@xxxxxxxx" <thepccat@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 21:05:06 GMT

This is very good. Only comments:

Occasionally there is nothing in 1 or 2 but if you go to the Program  =

Files directory where the program is installed there is an uninstall =

program or batch file you can launch, if you know what you are doing. =

Often it is called uninst or unwise or the bat file text helps you =

understand it is a removal script.

4. is an excellent method. There are several of these type programs, =

both freeware and pay. The downside is you have to remember to have =

them running when you first install and they have to know in some way =

you are installing. However, using this should enable you go do a very =

clean uninstall with little thinking.

With 3 you can also search the registry for references to your program =

and its files. However this can be incomplete [if you miss a reference] =

or dangerous [if you delete something you should not] if you do not =

know what you are doing. System Restore or backing up the registry can =

help prevent disasters here.

If you have problems uninstalling a program, a good old method is to =

have the old setup [install] program saved [or find that version =

somewhow on the Internet if possible], install, then uninstall. Doing =

that will clean up any glitches which might have prevented you from =

uninstalling in the first place.

The most annoying uninstall is those which demand you to have your =

original disc in order to uninstall. If your point is to get rid of =

unwanted stuff on an inherited computer, for example, having to have =

the original disc is outrageous. I have seen this, for example, with =

elaborate games and Microsoft Office.


-- "user1634" <user1634@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I got this from another list I am on :
It seems like I get questions all the time asking how to remove /
uninstall programs. So, here's the step-by-step procedure:

1. The first thing to do is click the Start menu, Programs. Then
hunt for the program you want to delete. Oftentimes, you'll find
an Uninstall
program under it's program group.

2. Another way would be to click the Start button, Settings,
Control Panel. Then open the Add/Remove programs icon. You'll see
a list of
programs that Windows can remove from your system. Just click the
one you would like to remove and hit the OK button.

3. If neither of the above works, you can always go to the
program's folder and delete it. However, there is no guarantee
that the program was
confined to that folder. It could have other files distributed
throughout your computer.

4. Finally, you might consider a program like Quick Clean. Once
installed, it watches which program files go where and can remove
unneeded files for you.

As I mentioned yesterday, you might get a message during
uninstall telling you that there are shared files (.dll) that are
not needed--it seems that whenever I delete these, it turns out I
DO need them for another program to run, so it may be best to
keep those files.

Keep in mind that some of the files that get placed on your hard
drive when you install a program are basically updates to some of
your existing
files. So if you are uninstalling something and get a message
saying not all the files from a program could be removed, it may
be due to the fact
that other programs also use these files.

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