[JA] Re: Yahoo again.....

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:11:56 -0400

CS> I still have only one account and, at 2 AM or so with 1.49, mail

That's it Carolyn.  Do it the hard way.  If you keep a record of the
number of Kilobytes in each download it will tell you how heavily you are
loading your Juno mailbox when you are dropped.  Analyzing good records
of the behavior of a system while it breaks down under maximum stress can
solve lots of mysteries.  On the other hand if you don't keep the
records, then doing it the hard way won't bring this benefit.  You'll be
making it hard on yourself for no reason.

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