[JA] Carolyn's 386 woes. Possible fix included

  • From: William C Andrews <uncwilly@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2003 18:02:44 PDT

Well, I for one can understand wanting to keep the status quo.
I haul my 486 laptop around with me around on vacation for 
e-mail.  Since it is a-CD, installing Winblows95 is not easy.
Juno v1.49 is essentially virus -proof-.

I think that maybe Carolyn's best bet maybe to do the 
following, in order:

(optional suggestions that you likely have heard before, 
but worth the trouble to repeat.

A. Transplant your HDD into a pentium along with your modem,
   effectively you have the same machine, but faster.
   May take some -minor- tweaking.
B. Max out your memory.
C. Ask your friendly wonk to give you one of their old HDD's 
   and to copy your current one onto it, keeping the 512MB
   BIOS limit in mind and the 2GB/8GB DOS limit in mind.)

1) Get a copy of MACU for v1.49
2) Create the following new e-mail accounts:
   carolynstoffel.list3  ....  etc. upto 5.
3) Subscribe carolynstoffel.list1 to a single given list.
   Repeat for upto 5 lists, if more than five lists, spread 
   load across accounts as evenly as possible.
4) Set-up MACU for accounts carolynstoffel.list1 - .list5
5) Trot down to your local I-net spot (IIRC, you go to your 
   local public library.  Thanks Carnegie!)
6) For your account "carolynstoffel" (your main one), set
   your options to "no-mail", "web", or "vacation" (what 
   ever the setting to not get mail) for the various lists 
   you are on.
7) INFO: you can now post from "carolynstoffel" to all 
   lists (i.e. you keep your identity), but it does not get 
   overwhelmed with e-mail.  The other accounts spread the 
   load around.
8) Run MACU on a daily or twice daily basis. (As the first
   thing in from a windows start.)
9) Read the e-mail in accounts .list1-5  Sort them into 
   monthly "red" (misspelling intended) folders.
10) When you want to reply to a message: either save it as 
    a text file (using Juno's function) or CTRL-C and paste 
    it into Notepad.
11) Once you have assembled the group of messages to reply 
    to, go to "carolynstoffel" and reply.  If you saved 
    them using Juno, just go to the write screen and CTRL-I, 
    then trim as normal.  If you used Notepad, paste them 
    back in.

option 2 for steps 10 and 11

10) When you want to reply to an e-mail, forward it to:
    "carolynstoffel".  You can leave it in the outbox,
    during your next MACU run it will be sent on.
11) Reply to the forwarded e-mail (just be sure to send it 
    to the list).  Doing 2 MACU runs a day will make sure 
    that your replies stay timely.

I know this sounds complicated, but it was harded for me to 
type this than it would be to do it.  This has many 
advantages to you.

1)This is tranparent to the outside world, no one will know, 
  and if they reply to you directly, you get it at 
1b)You keep "carolynstoffel" as your identity.
2)This will speed the sorting of e-mail into different 
  folders for differnet lists.
3)A monthly "I've read it" folder for each list will be 
  small enough to handle.  Easy to Zip it to a floppy or 
  directory (or copy it with a new name to a directory, like 
  c:\lists\dogbreath\2003Jan.txt) and then XCOPY a blank 
  folder onto the old .FRM to clear it.
4)Avoids flooding a single address and causing bounces.
5)Lessens the size of the incoming mail into chunks that 
  the old 386 shouldn't choke on.
6)Smaller chunks may not cause "thrashing", this would 
  greatly speed up the processing.  You may even see a 
  *decrease* in the *total* time to do a mail run.
7)MACU will automate the gathering of the e-mail, so it
  will seem more like a single run.

Notes: The starting of MACU in windows may be able to be 
accomplished in a batch file run at the DOS prompt.  So 
you can send MACU off on a run; then read and deal with 
e-mail in a single shot or multiple sittings.

Anyone want to comment?

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