[JA] Re: Blocked Juno E-mail

  • From: thepccat@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 09:20:36 -0800

Casualties in the ongoing battle. I'm sure most Juno users have been able
to send to most without trouble [I have never gotten this, but OTOH, I
don't send to pobox.sk]. Your particular destination has seen fit to
block the Juno domain. I would suspect, with that attitude, next they
will block Hotmail or AOL. I doubt that Juno has worse spam record than
these other two--Juno probably does what it can with their resources to
shut down the spam from there. Also, sometimes spam looks like it comes
from one place and it comes from another. Then there are personal
opinions and decisions, which by their nature can be capricious.

You certainly could use Hotmail for just that traffic, and maybe not too
much trouble. As long as that option lasts. A more expensive yet IMHO
reliable way would be to sign up with a "real" ISP [not a major like MSN,
but a smaller one] for about the same $10 price--these are smaller and
likely do not have reputations for SPAM generators. Perhaps some of the
POP3 gurus who may be lurking have other suggestions--this is just off
the top of my head.

Best wishes, thepccat

On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 11:25:36 -0500 John S Chmura <kc4agw@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> What is the best way to handle the blocking of Juno E-mail by other
> E-mail services?
> I sent a HotMail E-mail (which was not blocked) and got this response
> from pobox.sk tech support:
> "domain juno.com was blocked for many SPAM from this domain"
> Have other domains been blocking Juno too? Should I just drop Juno
> altogether and make use of the other web-based E-mail services? I 
> like
> using Juno E-mail. Have been using it for 6 years and like it better 
> than
> other E-mail services, but if I can't use it, I'll have to just dump 
> it.
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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