[jjr69] Re: FW: [salonmixte] TE^'T video conference

  • From: "ChiNguyen@Winchester" <chinguyen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jjr69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <salonmixte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 06:45:29 -0800


I signed-up too. Tried to invite you but failed to get an answer from

It looked good though. I listened in to some of the groups. The only
inconvenience or may be it's a good thing: only one person can talk at a
time and there is a queue for talking.

Please let me back in jjrlife. 
Turned out that you were the only list manager that actually took me off
his list during my visit to our homeland. Thanks'


The ronin

-----Original Message-----
From: jjr69-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jjr69-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Tran Thong
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 9:50 PM
Subject: [jjr69] FW: [salonmixte] TE^'T video conference 


I signed up for paltalk and tested their system. They rated my link as
even though I have a cable modem. This looks like it may not be good for
Anybody out there want to try to contact me at trant51 on paltalk to try


-----Original Message-----
From: AD Levan [mailto:adlevan@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 7:01 PM
To: salonmixte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [salonmixte] TE^'T video conference

Salut Tra^`n Tho^'ng, Wishing, HM Duc, BMD, Vu Han
Viet et autres specialistes de video conference.

L'annee derniere, nous avons essaye la video
conference avec Yahoo Messenger.
Beaucoup de nos amis ont rencontre des difficultes a
cause de la bande passande permise par Yahoo.

Recemment , j'ai essaye Paltalk  : www.paltalk.com qui
nous donne gratuitement un messenger semblable a Yahoo

Avec Paltalk, apparemment le bandwith est plus grand.
Dans Paltalk, il y a actuellement une trentaine de
groupes de vietnamien avec la participation d'une
centaine de personne par groupe, et il y a eu tres peu
de pannes. J'ai pu ecouter des gens chanter, ca vong
co^?,  tha'nh ca ....

N'ayant presque aucune connaissance dans ce domaine
informatique, je vous prie de verifier pour nous tous,
les points forts et points faibles de paltalk.

Peut etre, ce sera une solution magnifique pour notre
prochaine video conference.


LeVan AnhDung
Cell   : 514-971-4316

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