[jhb] Re: Farmstrip Flight

  • From: Chris Prophet <chrism.prophet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 17:33:18 +0100 (BST)

Gerry, EGTM is a London control sector though it doesnt control any part of the 
london TMA its main area extends from about just below coventry up to about 
Newcastle then out over the North sea its borders with Shannon Control, it will 
njot show up on Serv info because its a new sector, but if u want to see the 
server info for ivao i would recomend using IVAE (the eye) 
www.ivao.aero/softdev its a very nice version of servinfo and it will show all 
14 sectors of the London FIR that are currently modelled in IVAO 

Gerry Winskill <gwinsk@xxxxxxx> wrote:
  I know I'm going to regret asking something that probably has a simple 
answer....where is EGTM_CTR? I was just about to take off from Easton 
Maudit when I received a text that I could contact EGTM_CTR, after t/o, 
for RIS etc. No sign of it in Servinfo, so, how do they do that? Because 
I wasn't "alone" I didn't take up the offer, it being more sensible to 
maintain a low profile.

Next one. On the approach to Castle Bytham I overflew a disused named, 
on the chart, Woolfox Lodge. Any ideas on this one?

Frank T; don't worry if you're a bit behind a few of us, it isn't any 
sort of competition. If anyone loses track of the assignments, or would 
like to join in at this stage, I keep a growing list of assignments.

Gerry Winskill

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