[jhb] Another .XML Query

  • From: Gerry Winskill <gwinsk@xxxxxxx>
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 08:54:41 +0100

One of my information pages icludes a line displaying Elevator Trim; useful at takeoff.

I want to include another line displaying rudder trim. The text for the second line appears but the figure doesn't react to changes in rudder trim applied, it just stays at zero.

Can anyone spot why?

Gerry Winskill

   <Position X="45" Y="15"/>
<Text X="210" Y="30" Length="40" Font="quartz" Color="#00FF00" VerticalAdjust="Center"> <String>%ELEV TRIM %((A:ELEVATOR TRIM PCT, percent))%!3d! </String>

   <Position X="45" Y="135"/>
<Text X="210" Y="30" Length="40" Font="quartz" Color="#00FF00" VerticalAdjust="Center"> <String>%RUDDER TRIM %((A:RUDDER TRIM PCT, percent))%!3d! </String>

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