Re: jfw & infovox

  • From: "Bill Gallik" <wfgallik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 20:38:34 -0600

What exactly is InfoVOX? Is it a speech hardware synthesizer? Or is it a
software speech synthesizer? The reason I ask is because it is possible to
get JAWS to work with synthesizers that are not part of the installation
list if one has the specs to manually set up the JFW.INI file along with
possible additional files.  I was able to set up AT&T Natural Voices to
function as a SAPI voice synthesizer, but this was simplified by the very
fact that I was able to use the SAPI driver settings.  I would imagine that
InfoVOX might be a bit more complex to set up if it is a hardware
Bill Gallik
E-Mail: wfgallik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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