Scripts for music sharing websites?

  • From: "Beto Escobar III" <betoescobar3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "JFW List Serve" <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 03:14:42 -0500

 Hello Everyone:

A long while back I installed Kassa, I don't believe that is the correct 
spelling, to download some music from the internet.  Of course, since it was a 
brand new thing at the time, there was absolutely no scripts for JAWS and it 
was rather difficult to do anything independently.  Now, however, many years 
have passed by, and I would like to know if anyone in the JFW List Serve can 
send me links to websites where I can download music from the internet, but the 
deciding factor in this prompt is that the program I wish to download must have 
JAWS scripts and or work very well with screen readers!  Can anyone send me a 
list of websites where I can do this from?  

Secondly, has that program which was in the Kassa program been removed from the 
download file?  Basically, is it clean now?  Please send me some E-mails?  

Beto Escobar III

Other related posts:

  • » Scripts for music sharing websites?