Re: Remote Desktop Help, Please

  • From: Koichi INOUE <inoue@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 10:06:15 +0900 (JST)


  To avoid confusion, I assume the following conditions:
o You are using JAWS on your laptop.
o Your JAWS license on your laptop had enabled Remote Access feature.
o On your laptop, You turned on "Remote Access Client" feature in JAWS
  menu, Option, Basic, Advanced.. dialog box. It is disabled in default.
o You have installed the same version of JAWS to the desktop, and you
  usually use the desktop directly from its keyboard.
o On your desktop, your JAWS's "Remote Access Server" feature is
enabled. It is enabled by default.
o You have logged off from the desktop console and it is at the logon
o If your desktop is Windows XP or lower, you disabled "Start JAWS
automatically" feature, or you shutdown JAWS before you log off the

  Then, you can connect and have JAWS speak by following steps.
1. Connect and logon to the desktop by Remote Desktop.
  Please ensure successful logon. JAWS will not read user and password
  prompt and logon errors.
  If you logged off the desktop console, you may here logon sound.
2. After successful logon, press Win+r then jaws10 or something to start
JAWS on the remote side.
then you will have speech.

Koichi Inoue

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