Re: Karen's replicator and backing up C drive

  • From: "Alan Clendinen" <alanclendinen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <commodore128@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 04:10:56 -0500


My copy of Norton Ghost is about 3 years old, so the following comments may not apply to the latest version of Ghost.

You are correct about Ghost needing to use a DOS boot, and that means you can't use JFW, but I set up a JAWS for DOS boot disk, so I could have speech. The Ghost program, however, is completely inaccessible with JAWS for DOS.


Michael wrote:
Do you know if Jaws will work with the Norton Ghost program?  I remember
looking at this program some years ago and even with it being a Windows
application, it still required you to run the program in DOS.  And I believe
it couldn't just be in a DOS window, but instead you had to boot into DOS.
If this is still the case, running Jaws would be impossible.  Thanks.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Clendinen" <

To: <

Cc: <

Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: re: Karen's replicator and backing up C drive


If you are attempting to literally copy the entire hard drive, including
operating system and programs, then Karen's Replicator won't do the job.
You will need to buy a commercial drive imaging program such as Norton
Ghost, Casper, or some other similar drive image program.

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