Direct answer to sender

  • From: "Stefano Manzi" <stefano.xy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 14:54:38 +0200

Nice afternoon, listers. On the technical Italian lists of blind users where 
computer usage and problem solving is the group topic, there's since days a 
thread regarding the insert-shift-r command. That means, used in lists, it 
allows theoretically to answer a message directly to the sender and not to the 
general list.
In such case, if I press insert-r the address in the field "To:" should not be 
the list's one but the one in the original field "From:".
The italian blind listers let know that this command doesn't work properly. 
using also JAWS in versions 9 and 10.
So for example: I send a help to a friend in a group. Then, he/she wishes to 
send a congratulations' e-mail answering directly to me rather than to all list 
The persons presses insert-shift-r but the field "To:" remains with the list's 
address and not with mine, as in theory it should be.
So he/she must use an alternative method by copying the address in the fieldn 
"From:" in the clipboard, then when answering has to delete the address in the 
field "To:" and paste there the address previously copied.
A method that requires more steps and allows to manually acocmplish the 
described aim. This demonstrate that automatic scripts do not always work as 
explained in manuals or in on-line help.
A man asked today, if there's a maneer to adjust this strange behaviour of 
Do you ever use this command? Tell me something.




Stefano Manzi
impiegato Inail
sede di Pinerolo

cell.: 389/ 97 54 1 48
tel. uff.: 0121 39 43 27
e-mail uff.: st.manzi@xxxxxxxx

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