Admin: Debbie's email address from a list perspective

  • From: James Homuth <james@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 19:08:46 -0400


After taking the day to think about it, I have decided, with Tom's permission of course, to immortalize Debbie's subscription to this list. Meaning in effect, while posts would at some point stop being sent to that email address, she would remain a permanent member of the list, as an indication of the presence that has been felt, and will continue to be felt in the community as a whole. It will, hopefully, be the beginning of a tribute to one of, if not *the* most valued participant in both this list, and the JFW community as a whole. It may not come close to paying respect to her both for who she was and what she did, but hopefully it turns out to be a good start.

List Admin

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