[jaws-uk] Re: sending block messages from address book using outlook express

  • From: "Phil Medway" <philmedway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jaws-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:46:08 +0100

Hi Rashmi,

If you wish to send messages to a lot of people together it is easiest by 
first creating a group with all of the contacts in it then just sending the 
message to the group name.

To create a group, open the address book by pressing control+shift+b from 
outlook express then pressing control+g.

You should now have a dialogue where you can enter a group name followed by 
a series of items including a field where you can enter a new E-mail address 
or select from your address book which will be listed below.  Once you have 
selected a contact or entered a new address, tab to the select button and 
press enter.  You continue to do this until you have all of the contacts you 
wish in the group.  Once you have completed adding contacts to the group tab 
to the ok button and press enter.

Now, all you have to do to send your message to everyone in the group is to 
use the group name and the message will be sent to all of the contacts in 
the group.

I hope this helps,


Phil Medway

E-mail: philmedway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tel: 01869 347639

Mobile: 07980 519990

Skype: philmedway

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rashmi Shah
  To: jaws-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 12:50 PM
  Subject: [jaws-uk] sending block messages from address book using outlook 

  Hi List

  Please could someone help with sending bulck message from address book 
using outlook express?


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