packets outbound errors

  • From: "latex234" <threebadman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 09:37:33 -0600

hi all,
i use my server primarily as a proxy for 13 clients to access the
internet. my isp says his bandwidth pegging device is broken and that i am
pulling up to 300k. is this possible? i checked isa performance monitor
and i got the following readings;
1. network interface,packets outbound errors-------9,981 (constant)
2. network interface, bytes received -------------- (10k - 16k)
3. network interface, bytes total -------------- (9k - 19k)
4, isa server bandwidht control,actual inbound bwdth  ---------- (8k -
5. isa server bandwidth control, assigned inbound bwdth

does anyone have experience with this, are these readings accurate? if
they are, then my isp is lying or the outbound packets are playing a
factor? pls assisst. any solutions will be greatly appreciated.


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  • » packets outbound errors