• From: "Greg M. Hess" <gmh@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "LBWL.GWIA.\"isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx\"" <IMCEAGWISE-LBWL+2EGWIA+2E+22isalist+40webelists+2Ecom+22@xxxxxxxx>, <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:21:59 -0500

If anyone can help...

     My situation is that I have a external website and email presence
(mycompany.com). However, people want to be able to access their
internal mail at the same address as they do externally
(email.mycompany.com). Not everyone has external email privelages. I put
a DNS entry in our internal network to point to the internal address of
our mail server for everyone. The problem here is that the people are
constantly prompted to log into ISA, then to Exchange, and back to ISA
again when they access mail internally. Putting a LDT entry in the ISA
server's LDT for (*.mycompany.com) fixed this problem. The problem now,
however, is that ISA ignores requests for the external web site etc. I
tried to setup a LDT entry just for email.mycompany.com but that did not
seem to take. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Greg Hess

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