Can´t "ls" or "put" to our FTP Server

  • From: José Eduardo Mohedano <jemohedano@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 20:12:23 +0200


I have read a discussion with Tom Shinder on ISA Server forum.

Tom Shinder told the following:
"When writing our book, I did some experiments connecting to a friend's
ServU FTP Server and it worked OK. We were both behind ISA Servers, and I
was able to PORT and PASV to the server. We did find that there were some
problems connecting to his server if I came in from behind a firewall that
was *not* ISA Server".

And another guy replied as follows:
"Yes. I find the same problem about it. Some of my friend which behind a
firewall couldn't list the folder at my ftp".

I am suffering the same problem. We have an IIS FTP server on an internal
Windows 2000 Server protected by ISA Server. Sometimes, when someone tries
to put a file on our FTP server from behind a firewall (Checkpoint
Firewall-1 for instance), this file is created but no bytes are written in
it (its size is 0 bytes). Besides, sometimes we observe the same behaviour
with the "ls": the command hangs and no listing appears. Curiously, when the
FTP Server is installed on a Windows 2000 Professional everything seems to
work properly.

Should I configure the WSPCFG.INI file on ISA Server or something like that?
No data about FTP are stored in this file currently.

        Thank you very much.

José Eduardo Mohedano
JSC Desarrollos y Aplicaciones

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  • » Can´t "ls" or "put" to our FTP Server