[interfacekit] Question!

  • From: "Adi Oanca" <e2joseph@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "OBOS IK Team" <interfacekit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 00:30:20 +0200

from the BeBook:

Purpose: Deliverable.
Source: Your application.
Target: The BWindow to be moved. You can send this message to a window to
resize it by the specified deltas.

  Field     Type code               Description
"data" | B_POINT_TYPE | The amount by
which to move the window's X and Y coordinates.
---------------------------- -----

I'm OK with that!

But, with this, I do not agree!

Purpose: Deliverable.
Source: Your application.
Target: The BWindow to be moved. You can send this message to a window to
resize it to the specified size.

 Field      Type code            Description
"data" | B_POINT_TYPE | The width and height (in X and Y) to resize the
window to.
------------------------------- ---

 to resize it to a specified size??? But the message name says to move it
to a specified location!!!

Does anyone think this is correct???


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