[infotech] thoughts on pricing of products for the blind, open discussion not flamewar

  • From: william lomas <lomaswilliam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: infotech@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 23:21:23 +0000


at least i have an opinion on products reviewed in the magazine, and am prepared to voice it If others think the product, notably the KNFB reader is so expensive, why aren't you doing anything about it? 1000 pounds or more just for an OCR package?
How can this be, when k1000 for a pc is 300 pounds cheaper?
it's about time, we as blind people who want this software, and who don't have governments to keep buying software for us, stand up to these companies guys and do somethinga bout it. All of you just lie down and say oh but we are a blind market. this is unacceptable and for those who can't see it you must be mad. I'm sorry but it is true half of you get funds to buy all this stuff anyways no doubt, seriously, how can the majority of us fork out, let's see
the phone money
talks upgrade, why bother, should be free? when changing phones anyways as in smart hal and mobile speak smart phone
the software
Training if required
it is unfair and i agree wholeheartedly here, with scott. why, just because we are blind, should we be made to pay extortionate prices for software if this knfb reader was about 500 dollars, say, what, 600 pounds, while expensive it would put it in the reach of more people. Or, as i have stated before, why can't we as the lbind have financial payments, as in sighted catalogues. pay x amount per month for the product, but everyone just accepts the situation as it is. I only want this to be an open discussion not a flamewar. But i agree products that are out are fantastic, yes, for those who are millionaires and who can afford it. Remember, and i'm sure i am speaking on behalf of the magazine producers here too, this magazine goes to the average blind computer user. Not one who has a swiss bank account, who can say right i'll just pay this out today to this company, and buy a new pc, and jaws, and knfb bla bla bla. The list, unfortunately goes on. If t and t could sell the reader for say 3 to 400 british pounds, while a little expensive, it beats paying 1000 pounds more. We as the blind, are paying for eyesight that we tragically lost, or were born without and it is a ripoff and high time half of you guys, not just on this list i feel but in general stand up to companies, not in a nasty way please understand but in a constructive way and voice your concerns. It is disgusting to be honest that the software only works on one phone, too. None of us before this new software, would have had this new phone so there we go again, to keep up with technology we have to waste money getting yet more phones, more talks upgrades which the money for serves no purpose, etc. etc. if you think about what i am saying then you'll see i have a point. You want me off the list? fine, i'll go, least i have the courage to speak out against the price of technology when most of you can just ring a governemnt agency in the USA and get all this brought for you. The phone i agree, we can get on contract, but to be honest, i believe the classic is as terry put it, streets ahead, of this phone idea. How can you use a phone as a reader, a phone, a gps system, internet usage etc. it just doesn't seem practical to me least of all for the battery consumption. The classic does one job, and from what i hear from a friends' demonstrations live to me, does it well, as we say here, it does what it says on the tin

I hope what is aid makes sense. We all want technological breakthroughs but prices need to be affordable. think of products like braille displays etc. they are all essentials yet unaffordable

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