Salams: LAZY Article & Shaykh Nuh Kellar coming to the UK

  • From: "I Khan" <no1khan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <imran_dist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 00:02:14 +0100

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatahu*



It's been a long time since I have rolled an email out. I hope everyone is
well. Well I am back from Jordan, in the UK for a duration and its taken me
a while to send this. My leg is now fine, but the toxins from my injury are
still circulating around my body. I'll have to do some cupping at some point
and finish this dose of medicine. :-) (I only took it because I didn't know
any natural alternatives and it is spreading)

Al-hamdulilah it's nice to be back but I have too started to get lazy. I was
forwarded the following article and I found some suggestive inspiration for
me to take control before I am taken control of entirely.


SubhanAllah if I can say anything after 6months of being away from the UK is
that our nafs is so powerful and the more one understands and conquerors it
the more one has to plot against it for it is more aggressive than anything
else. If one does not take control of it, it takes control of one. It
requires constant bashing and this usually means one has to do things that
don't always appeal to one. Please make duaa for me. 


Other than that I have nothing to say, except that Shaykh Nuh Kellar is my
Shaykh who I trust immensely. The prophet (saw) said to know somebody do the
following: travel with them, live with them, lend some money or share a
trust. My memory is weak and I do not remember the hadith exactly,
inshaAllah you will.

I found him to be an upright man/ teacher/ mentor/ living practical example
of the sunnah:- who has so much attention and focus and lives to be
annihilated for and by Allah. Only people who assume, misunderstand him, but
late realize him inshaAllah! I believe he is a diamond amongst the rest of
the coal. I didn't even realize that 6months passed away, but I had such a
good routine and was surrounded by the most excellent example and beings. On
this Front Shaykh Nuh Kellar is coming to the UK on the 19th August.
<javascript:ol('');> . I would encourage every person who wants
to fill and re-focus their ultimate purpose, begin a strong path of
purifying their heart and living to the essence of the Sunnah that they
attend this event to see this man, or keep a sharp eye out for where and
when Shaykh Nuh may have some smaller sessions throughout the UK. 


Coming back to the UK, the environment does not feel chaotic nor strange,
but it feels like I have walked into a degraded society which doesn't
recognize that it is wasting its time, though it seems to be so busy and
occupied and ever thinking that this busyness is benefit! I would recommend
people to see the earth and see how some Muslim cultures are striving. One
could even go to Jordan and see how western people have adapted and are
marginally struggling yet striving and are the hidden lamps of this ummah.
We are being oblivious to our sense of rank and duty, when we have so much
to do.


Also I liked this and wanted to forward it: "Remember that the internet and
email is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The muslim shouldn't waste
time with what does not concern him or what will not benefit him in the next

 Imran Khan


L-A-Z-Y BOY - It's All in Your Mind!
by Muhammad Alshareef

During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ), an
incident happened in which a man slept the entire night and he missed the
Fajr prayer.  Despite the fact that this is a very common occurrence in our
present day, at that time such things rarely happened.

He missed Fajr, and so they came and spoke to the Prophet (sal Allaahu
'alayhi wa sallam ) about this.

'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, (radiyAllaahu 'anhu) narrates:  A man came and said
to the Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ), "Oh Messenger of Allaah,
verily a person slept last night until the morning, until the dawn came and
he missed Fajr."  The Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) replied "This
is a person whom the devil has urinated in his ears." 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, try going to any books of hadeeth.  In each and
every one you will find a chapter entitled, 'Baab al-Isti'aadhah Minal
Kasl.'  Translated, this chapter is called 'Chapter of Seeking Allaah's
Protection from Laziness.' 

Kasl or laziness, also known as 'procrastination' is a disease.  University
Students know what procrastination can do to their studies.  It is a disease
that afflicts the minds.  After the mind, it then afflicts the heart.
Finally, through the heart, the body is afflicted.  

Today, you will learn that laziness is a technique used by Satan, and today
you will learn the techniques you can use to combat it.

The Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) frequently made the following
supplication:  "Oh Allaah, I seek your protection from, 'alajz' - which
means the inability to do something."  And when someone says, "I can't do
that," the Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) would seek protection
from such negative speech by adding:  "and I seek your protection (Oh
Allaah) from 'alkasl'- which is translated as laziness."

At its core, this society is built on laziness. Consider that it is a
society based on the idea that we have to rest on Sundays.  "Why do you have
to rest on Sundays?" some may ask.  And society (may Allaah protect us from
this) would answer that even Allaah got lazy on Sunday.  He did His work all
week long, He built the heavens and the earth, and then on Sunday He got
tired and rested.   So, may Allaah protect us, contemporary culture has us
resting and watching football games on Sundays.

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) testifies to the lunacy of such an idea,
implicitly stating, "That there is no drowsiness and no sleep that comes to
Him." (2/255)

In addition, we live in a society that lives for "fast and easy".  You have
the fast food joints, even the microwave meals that take 5 minutes are
considered tedious because you have to take it out after a couple of minutes
and stir it before it is finished cooking.  Ever hear the promises to have
the perfect body in ten minutes for only three days a week?  Examples
abound.   And in its quest for fast and easy, society does not realize that
the root of its problems, indeed, the root of all major sins, lies in

Why would a person take alcohol and drugs?  They are too lazy to change
their situation.  Instead of actively striving for change, they take a drug
to immediately change it.  Why do people practice black magic, a phenomenon
that is, unfortunately, prevalent in many of our parent's societies?  They
do it because they are too lazy to go out and get married, or they're too
lazy to influence people in ways that will accomplish their various goals.
Why do people partake in 'Riba' (mortgages) and deal with financial
interest?  They are too lazy to get a proper job and work to pay for
something honestly.  Why do people gamble?  They addictively buy lottery
tickets at ridiculous odds of winning in the hopes that their one dollar
will instantly earn millions.  Laziness is again the culprit.  What about
that job?  Why do people backbite?  People backbite because they are too
lazy to go and tell the person the truth.And these, dear brothers and
sisters, are all major sins.

Thus, like a poison, laziness corrupts all good things. 

There are beautiful and amazing things that you want to do for yourself, or
do for Allaah (subhaahanu wa ta'aala).  Your intention is good, but if you
don't have the energy, or you suffer from the laziness plight, your desires
will go nowhere, they will bear no fruit. 

The causes of the disease called laziness are rooted in the heart.

Firstly, a lazy person doesn't know and doesn't understand his or her need
to accumulate good deeds.  We understand the need to accumulate money, but
we may not understand why or how to accumulate good deeds.  Very few people
understand that this life is about collecting deeds and preparing for the
journey of the hereafter.

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) advises, "to prepare your provisions (that
pack your suitcases) for the best provision, the best thing to pack your
suitcases with is the Taqwa (or Fear/Piety) of Allaah (subhaanahu wa
ta'aala). (2/197) And this is the commandment of Allaah."

Secondly, people are discouraged by the thought that others will consider
them "holier than thou."   Or perhaps the problem is that some people think
too highly of themselves, glorifying themselves to such a high level that
when they hear the commandments of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) they reply
by justifying their laziness with excuses like; "My heart is clean," or "Why
do I have to do that," or "I'm a good person."  Allaah (subhaanahu wa
ta'aala) states:  "Do not claim piety to yourselves." (53/32) If someone
says, "I'm good," the response should be that "Allaah knows best who is
true, who is righteous."

Indeed, those who suffer from laziness don't understand the gold mine of
opportunity awaiting them.  There are thousands of people around you waiting
to hear the call of Islam.  You are living among sponges ready to listen to
you say, "I am a Muslim."  And they are going to ask, "How can I become one

A brother I knew overseas said it perfectly:  "The North Americans have such
enormous prospects.   Imagine teaching a new Muslim Soorah al-Faatihah, or
how to pray.  You will get the reward for this most noble lesson each time
the person recites this soorah.   You can't do that in Muslim countries,
although there are other different opportunities there, most people don't
recognize them and this leads to laziness"

Know that this concerns you and if you start demonstrating the energy and
zeal it takes to worship Allaah to the best of your ability, then you will
be the one to benefit.

This is your life.  This is your soul.  You are only going to live once on
this earth, and you'll be traveling to the hereafter with a suitcase of good
deeds.  Hopefully, you won't be traveling light.  The one who understands
this early on, the one to get on the bandwagon of the worship of Allaah
(subhaanahu wa ta'aala) early on, accumulates everything. 

Be a pioneer, bring Islam to everyone.  "And so they come on the day of
resurrection and they see these mountains of good deeds that they never
imagined they would have had. and it will be said to them. this is because
you weren't lazy back in the day when other people were lazy."  Recognize
the opportunity, seize it, and kick start the worship of Allaah (subhaanahu
wa ta'aala) by others.

But if you chose not to heed these words, to yawn, and to be lazy, you are
turning your back on the words of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala). And the
consequences will be grave, for the sunnah of creation, indeed the law of
nature, stipulates that that which does not contribute will be destroyed.
What do you do with weeds in your garden?  You pull them out, you get rid of
them.  What do you do when your nails get too long, when there is no purpose
to their length?  You snip them off, discard them in the trash. And so it
is, as a community and as individuals in that community, if we are not
contributing, and if we are not energetically producing, we will be deemed
useless and we will be eliminated.

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) says:  "In this way, He gives forth the
parable of the truth and falsehood and the vanity.  Vanity is like the foam,
the dirt on the ocean (there is not benefit to it).  But the things that do
bring benefit (those devoid of laziness) will remain steadfast in the land."
Even after you are gone, your good deeds will continue to benefit. (13/17)

Do not make the mistake of thinking that Allaah pays attention to the lazy
one's worship.  The Prophet Muhammad (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Do those deeds that you are able to perform, for verily, Allaah will not
tire of your 'Ibadah (worship) until you tire."

Ponder the phenomenon of those who make du'aa absentmindedly, not knowing
what it is that they are saying.  They may even be yawning, confused, or
focused on something else entirely.  Allah is not paying attention to that
person just like they are not paying attention to their du'aa. That is a
du'aa that is not answered by Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala).  A du'aa that
is answered is the one where the person's heart and energy are invested in
it.  Allaah will listen.  If you can consistently take your du'aa to that
level, you'll see dramatic changes in your life.

When I was younger, there was an imam from overseas who came to lead the
taraweeh prayers in Ramadhan.  We would have to pick him up at Fajr time and
drive him to the masjid.  One early morning, I was feeling particularly
tired and lazy.  My parents had an especially hard time waking me up.  Yet,
when we arrived at the Imam's house, I noticed that the neighbors were in
the midst of an all-night party.  It was 5 am and their lights were blaring,
their music was booming, and the party-goers were still drinking their
alcohol.  They'd spent the entire night awake in "Qiyaamul layl," but not to
Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala).  Their worship was for the devil.  
I remember thinking to myself that this disbeliever has the stamina and
energy to waste the night away, how can the servant of Allaah (subhaanahu wa
ta'aala) not have the energy and ability to worship Him? After all, they,
too, are humans like us.  'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radiyAllaahu 'anhu) is
quoted as saying, "I seek Allaah's protection from the time when the 'fasiq'
or disobedient will have much energy and enthusiasm and the righteous will
be lazy."  The fasiq will open up bars everywhere and run his houses of
immorality with vigor.  And the righteous will do little to nothing in the
sake of Allaah.  When this happens, there is an imbalance on earth, and
corruption will be widespread and prevalent.

Brothers and sisters, let me tell you about the blessedness of having energy
and enthusiasm in worshipping Allaah will do for you.

Number 1:  The extra energy will win you the pleasure of Allaah (subhaanahu
wa ta'aala).

Musa ('alayhis salaam) was told to come to the mountain for 40 days.   And
come he did, not walking slowly, not ten minutes late, but running.  In
explaining his arrival, Musa said, "I came hastily to you, oh Allaah, so
that you will be pleased with me." (20/84)  And indeed, his words were so
pleasing to his creator that Allah recorded them in the Quran for all

When you hear a name of a prophet's companion, you say, "May Allaah be
pleased with him."  Well, this is how you get that same distinction for
yourself.  Be hasty in your desire and actions that lead to goodness.

Number 2:   Having energy is the characteristic of the believer.  Being lazy
is the characteristic of the hypocrite.

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) says the 'munaafiq,' or hypocrite is he who
has disbelief in his heart, while outwardly claiming belief.  Allaah
(subhaanahu wa ta'aala) describes them in the following verse: "If they get
up for the 'salaah' (prayer), they get up with laziness." (4/142)

"Give me ten more minutes.give me ten more minutes. oh! I missed fajr.oh no.
I'll pray after fajr. Give me ten more minutes.  Give me ten more minutes." 

A characteristic of hypocrisy;  when they reach for that snooze button and
get up lazily for prayer,  they're experiencing a state of 'nifaq' or
hypocrisy.  May Allaah protect us.

May He also protect us from using excuses to not follow through with our

A Canadian may say it's too cold.  An African will say it's too hot.   Both
are making excuses for not doing good actions.  It was summer in the desert
during the time of the Battle of Tabuk, and a walking distance of what is
today a seven hour car trip from Madinah to Tabuk.  The Prophet (sal Allaahu
'alayhi wa sallam ) was rallying his troops for an exhaustive trek that,
back then, would have taken months.

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) says, "they (the hypocrites) encouraged
people not to go with the Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) by saying
'do not go out in the heat'."  Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) response was
to tell them, "that the fire of hell is much hotter; if only they
understood." (9/81)

Ibn al-Jawzee, may Allah have mercy on his soul, said "I have never seen a
flaw sadder to me than a community whose people stop working, despite having
the ability to continue."

Second Khutbah

The ramifications of laziness can be very harmful.  Some of you may have
come across a person who displays a genuine interest in Islam.  That person
may be about to take the shahada when shaytan gets to him and her.  An
excuse the devil uses is, "You have to comprehend the Qur'aan first."  Hence
the would-be Muslim is convinced that they do love Islam, but perhaps
further study is required.  And so it is that he or she delays coming back
to Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala), and as time passes they may no longer
possess the same enthusiasm.

Similarly, Muslims seeking to make repentance to Allaah (subhaanahu wa
ta'aala) might give themselves time by saying, "let me wait till I pay off
my mortgage, or pay off my student loans. let me wait till I do this , let
me wait till I do that, then I will repent to Allaah." But it doesn't work
like that because as time passes and sins grow, the heart consistently gets
weaker and weaker.  A time will come when the person knows it's the last
chance, but the heart may have already been sealed shut.
And as the Prophet Muhammad (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) said, "Race to
good deeds before a time and a fitnah comes, (a test) that will sweep over
you like the darkest of the darkest nights." 
Are not the trials apparent all around us?

Look to the Islamic educational scene.  Scholars we may or may not know are
being singled out by the dozens.  Religious knowledge is being taken from
us.  If you have the chance to attend a halaqah, or an Islamic class, you
have to race to it NOW!  It may be that you won't have another chance.
Fitnah will come to you, and you must survive it with whatever knowledge you
hold.  It may be that the knowledge you possess will suffice to protect you,
and it may be that it will not be enough to avail you.  The consequences
thereof would be disastrous, and may eventually lead to hellfire.  May Allah
protect us.  

Picture this analogy:  In Australia they have sharks that prey near the
coastline.  To warn bathing humans of impending danger, they have a certain
whistle that rings when a shark is sighted.  Now imagine if you're feeling
sluggish or you're playing a game trying to see how long you can hold your
breath under the water.  You don't hear the warning sound, and then you
raise your head out of the water, and notice that nobody is in it except
you.  Everyone has made it to shore, they are yelling for you to hurry, but
you are ten minutes from the beach.  How would you make it?  Would you make
it?  Only Allaah knows for sure, but that's exactly what laziness does to
you.  It not only renders you unprepared, but also helpless as to the
actions you must take in order to survive.

But today is a new day, and by the grace of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala),
you and I can learn to let go of that laziness.   We will work with renewed
energy, striving to return to the worship of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala).

Here are some techniques to use.

Number 1: Yawning promotes laziness 

Yawning is from the devil.  And when it comes to us, we must fight it.
Despite what your medical classes are telling you about needing oxygen
through yawning, it was your Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) who
advised on covering the mouth and resisting the yawn, by not letting out any
noise.  No "Ahhhsss!"

Number 2:    Eating 1/3rd  

The Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) taught us to eat using the
1/3rd   method.  You don't need much to sustain yourself, a few bites will
usually do, but if you are going to eat a meal, then 1/3rd is the crucial
number.   One third should be the food, one third for water, and one third
for breathing. 
Realize that one of the most cunning tricks of shaytan is urging people to
fill their stomachs beyond capacity.  How many times have you eaten a huge
meal only to feel like taking a nap afterwards?  And how many times has this
nap dissuaded you from the worship of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala)? 

Number 3:  Spend time with energetic people

Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) says, "Be patient with those people who call
upon their the mornings and the evenings."

When you see a person going for salah consistently, always in a state of
worship and remembrance of Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala), you say to them,
"Hey brother / hey sister, how about we go out for lunch?  I'd like to spend
time with you."

Feed from their energy.  Alternatively, if lazy people surround you,
distance yourself from them, or give them da'wah, encouraging positive
action.  You want to pick the right people, because we tend to emulate those
whom we befriend.

Do as your prophet did and constantly seek refuge from Allaah from the
laziness that shaytan uses to defeat the Muslims.  When you find yourself
reaching for that snooze button, a.k.a 'the shaytan button', remember the
ploy against you and seek Allaah's help to resist.  You will have the
strength to wake for fajr.  Ultimately, laziness is a state of mind.

In conclusion, the one concept that ties this all together is honesty.
Being honest about your laziness and sincerely striving to change is the
first step in seeing results.  The fact of the matter is that when Allaah
commands us to do something, it is not possible to have excuses, and know
that tasks put upon you are doable, for Allaah "does not place a burden on a
person more than they can bear." (2/286) You can do it, others have done it
before you, and others continue to do it.  Join the ranks of the energetic. 

Ka'b ibn Malik, (radiyAllaahu 'anhu), went to the Prophet (sal Allaahu
'alayhi wa sallam ) after the battle of Tabuk, and the hypocrites had been
making excuses for their absence from the fighting.  Ka'b had not
participated and he thought that he too might come up with some excuse in
order to save himself, but he realized that he could not lie to the Prophet
of Allaah.  He told the Prophet (sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ), "I have
never had more energy or ability than this time, but I just didn't go." And
the prophet said, "he is the one who is truthful."  And by the potency of
his honesty and sincerity, the Qur'aan mentions that Allaah had forgiven

How do you truthfully word the reasons for your laziness?  If the Fajr
prayer has passed you by and the devil has urinated in your ears, do not
place blame where blame is not due.  Don't make excuses like, "I had a long
night."  Instead, say, "the truth is that the accumulation of my sins led me
to miss fajr.  But this is not who I am.  I am the slave of Allaah.   Oh
Allaah, tomorrow, with your permission, I will show you what I am going to
do for your sake" And so you make your repentance, you repeat your good
intentions, and you continue until you reach those higher levels of energy.

I ask Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) to bless you with that energy and I
pray and hope that you can make the same du'aa for me.


".And whoever fears Allaah - He will make for him a way out - And will
provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon
Allaah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed Allaah will accomplish His
purpose. Allaah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent."
At-Talaaq: 2-3

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  • » Salams: LAZY Article & Shaykh Nuh Kellar coming to the UK