[icon Discussions] Adding folders/books to the library

  • From: "William & Pamela " <pmcoats00@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "'icon list'" <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 16:32:02 -0400


Question: Could I be adding files/folders to the library incorrectly? 
Because when I go into the Library menu > bookshelf folder and choose
"author", it doesn't list my folder. 
It also doesn't list it when I choose "All Books". 

I'd like to find the listing of my folder, then after selecting my folder,
then see the list of books I've added. Is this possible? If so, how do I get
this done? 

The method I've been using is to go into "disk Drive Mode", select the
location in the Library folder, and add my folder. 
I've even tried tricking the Braille Plus by naming my folder with 2 words,
separated by a comma. However, that didn't work either. 

Any suggestions/recommendations? 


I'm trying to keep a list of books together, all in one folder for quick
retrieval, but it just keeps showing them as appearing to be directly under
the "author" folder, instead of showing the name of the folder I actually
placed the books in. 

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