[ibis-macro] Re: IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 9/14/2010 > Format

  • From: "Ken Willis" <kwillis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <Arpad_Muranyi@xxxxxxxxxx>, "'IBIS-ATM'" <ibis-macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 16:35:33 -0400

Hi Arpad,

Here is the feedback on "Format" which you requested me to send through

If we were completely doing away with Format, that would be one thing. But
the current proposal is to still support that, plus also support NOT having
it there. It doesn't seem like we are really simplifying anything then;
instead we are adding more things that will need to be supported. I think
that is going in the wrong direction, adding more complexity to the spec.

The software coding purists don't like Format, but if it is there already,
and it isn't going to go away, then adding support for Format's ABSENCE is
more trouble than it is worth.

This is just one opinion of course, and I am curious to see if anybody else
agrees. It seems like there are bigger fish to fry than this one.

Ken Willis
Sigrity, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: ibis-macro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ibis-macro-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Muranyi, Arpad
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 11:28 AM
Subject: [ibis-macro] IBIS-ATM teleconference - Agenda for 9/14/2010

Time:  September 14, 2010  Noon  US Pacific Daylight Time

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1) Opens
2) Call for any related patent disclosures
3) Review of ARs:

Authors of the flow BIRD:  Correct the text in the areas discussed
                           in the meeting.

Any new AR-s?

Old ARs:

- Arpad:  Write parameter passing syntax proposal (BIRD draft)
          for *-AMS models in IBIS that is consistent with the
          parameter passing syntax of the AMI models
          - not done

- TBD:    Propose a parameter passing syntax for the SPICE
          [External ...] also?

- Arpad:  Review the documentation (annotation) in the macro libraries.
          - deferred until a demand arises or we have nothing else to do

4)  Quick review of the Task List                            (Arpad)

5)  Introducing new BIRD drafts (see attachments)            (Arpad)
    - MinTypMax_BIRD_1
    - Typos_Format_Value_Default_BIRD_1

6)  Discuss Walter's three BIRD drafts:
    - Format
    - Labels
    - Value_Default

7)  Update on Walter's flow BIRD draft                      (Walter)
    - editorial comments and questions
    - dealing with the deprecation of Use_Init_Output



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