Re: [i3] [solved] Troubles using Mod4

  • From: Nicolas Bercher <nbercher@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 00:18:58 +0200

OK, in the end, I had no trouble with Mod4 at all.

It's just that every binding I had trouble with were using Mod4!

My issue was related to PATH to properly populated before i3 is fired,
and this is because I was giving a try to xdm at the same time.
For a reason I do not fully understand yet, xdm does not make use of
/etc/profile (and thus ignores /etc/profile.d/*.sh) nor user-defined
PATH (but maybe this is a collateral effect of /etc/profile.d/*.sh
being ignored).

In the end, I switched back to my previous DM, that is kdm-trinity.

It's a long PATH to the zenity, but it worth it. A lot.

Thanks to everybody here!

On 17/06/2015 20:05, Nicolas Bercher wrote:


I have troubles using Mod4+<any>.

Here is my configuration sample:

bindsym Mod4+Up exec alsa-volume-increase bindsym Mod4+Down exec
alsa-volume-decrease bindsym Mod4+m exec alsa-volume-toggle-mute

where alsa-volume-* are bash script that do work very well from the

I've checked (and fixed) under xmodmap the association of Mod4 to
Super_L (and Super_R is fine also):

$ xmodmap -pm xmodmap: up to 3 keys per modifier, (keycodes in

shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e) lock Caps_Lock
(0x42) control Control_L (0x25), Control_R (0x69) mod1
Alt_L (0x40), Meta_L (0xcd) mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d) mod3 mod4
Super_L (0x85), Super_R (0x86), Super_L (0xce) mod5
ISO_Level3_Shift (0x5c), Mode_switch (0xcb)

And xev says me (for a press-release sequence on "Win Left"):

KeyPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001, root 0xcb,
subw 0x0, time 29561418, (238,-7), root:(1202,721), state 0x0,
keycode 133 (keysym 0xffeb, Super_L), same_screen YES, XLookupString
gives 0 bytes: XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes: XFilterEvent returns:

KeyRelease event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001, root
0xcb, subw 0x0, time 29562442, (238,-7), root:(1202,721), state 0x40,
keycode 133 (keysym 0xffeb, Super_L), same_screen YES, XLookupString
gives 0 bytes: XFilterEvent returns: False

Under xev, is it normal that I get two different key codes for
Super_L, namely 0x85 and 0xce?

Do any one knows what's wrong?

Thanks a lot, Nicolas

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  • » Re: [i3] [solved] Troubles using Mod4 - Nicolas Bercher