Re: [i3] application tiling vs environment/wm tiling

  • From: Kareem <karkhaz@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Discussions/Questions about the i3 window manager <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:00:34 +0100

On 2014-06-27 1746, C. Thomas Stover wrote:

The observation I'm blabbing about now is that so many applications
leverage in-application tiling as a UI paradigm, yet ironically
would actually be better of being (or at least supporting)
multi-window UIs so as to keep uniform tiling semantics across all
running applications.

Amen. I am constantly frustrated by the fact that so many apps try to
reimplement a window manager---each with their own esoteric key
bindings. I really shouldn't have to use Ctrl-Tab to switch tabs in
firefox, Ctrl-W Ctrl-J for windows in Vim, ..., when I have a
perfectly good WM like i3 that is set up exactly the way I want it.

Sometimes the solution is to change apps (from Firefox to dwb for
example), but there isn't really an alternative to vim :( (I know
emacs has a server mode, so you can run several emacs clients in
different terms; I wish vim had this).

Unfortunately, most people use OSes with a baked-in floating window
manager that they can't change. For such an OS, the app *needs* its
own internal WM because the OS WM is ineffective. So while MS Windows
and Mac OS X have the market share, you can look forward to Mozilla
targeting its UI to users of those OSes.


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