[huskerlug] Re: Interesting and on-topic message for May #2

  • From: adunlop <techworld.mail@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: huskerlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:44:25 -0500

Okay, I don't care.  I work in IT.  I work with Microsoft products.  I  
cut my teeth on consoles before most people used them.  I've been  
around the scene just as long as you have.  I've done just as much as  
you have.  Microsoft isn't a bad company.  Their products aren't the  
devil.  I don't care why you think that Microsoft caused AIDS and  
kills babies and is going to kill us all.  It's annoying to read the  
same rants over and over and over and over again.  I'm done replying  
to you about this nonsense accordingly.

This is how your comments read.  Make sure you skim through there for  
a bit to really suck the absurdity of it in.


Ron Paul supporters get into huddles where they all think the same  
thing and then start shouting it as loudly as they can to anyone that  
will listen.  Then keep going.  For months.  People get turned off to  
the concept because they're sick of hearing it.  And it gets louder.   
People ridicule the Ron Paul supporters so.... they get louder and  
angrier.  "...Full of sound and fury...."

The rest of the world, of course, isn't part of that huddle.  At first  
they give it thought, but it turns annoying quickly and soon after  
it's entirely rejected and laughed at.    The end result is that  
anyone that potentially would have been interested is so turned off  
they flock to any alternative there is and have a huge negative  
emotional view of your message/product.  That product in this case is  

It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, you're broadcasting a  
message that turns people away from Linux on a mailing list that  
represents Lincoln as a technically savvy city and Linux as a whole.   
That turns people off to this entire mailing list and linux as well.   
Why would I want to let someone with an axe to grind derail all of the  
progress Linux has made?  Why would I want to see the city of Lincoln  
be painted in even a more hickish light?  Our city is poised on the  
verge of really breaking into the technical scene in a big way.  I  
really don't want to see that happen.

Perhaps I'm the only feeling this way.  Other members here, what are  
your thoughts?  Would you like the negative FUD to stop as well?


On May 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, GreyGeek wrote:

> What is the point of this mailing list?    Duh,  this IS a Linux  
> elist,
> not another cog in the Microsoft PR engine.
> I joined this list to learn and teach about Linux AND to learn news
> about, and spread it, of what is threatening its existence, not to  
> hear
> about how morally superior you think it is to be "OS agnostic" and how
> everyone who doesn't believe as you do is "bitter", or "fanatical", or
> "ranting",  i.e., being ridiculed for publicizing Microsoft's  
> tactics to
> destroy Linux  and everything it represents in the computer world.
> "Nothing constructive"?   What I have posted is VERY constructive and
> informative, with abundant links and historical documents, proving my
> statements.  The most damaging evidence is from Microsoft documents
> themselves, and from the confessions of James Plamondon.  If the truth
> is not constructive then how is any you say more so?
> You, on the other hand, fuel your arguments by using emotion-laden  
> words
> and and ad hominem attacks.  "bitter people rant" is just your latest
> example.   You could, if you had evidence, refute what James Plamondon
> confessed to, or explain how Zuck was really working in the  
> interests of
> a level playing field and not being just another Microsoft sock  
> puppet,
> or why Microsoft's illegal contracts with the PC OEMs tilted the PC
> playing field so drastically it created the monopoly, etc. etc. etc.
> About one thing I might agree:  If this list isn't about teaching &
> learning Linux and FOSS, and encouraging their adoption everywhere,  
> then
> it has no  purpose.    It certainly can't morph into a pro Windows  
> list
> because Microsoft's EULA prohibits users of its software from making
> technical comments its software, or publish comparisons with  
> competitive
> software,  without Microsoft's written approval.   (How that for
> suppressing free speech?)   Is that what you are striving for?
> GG
> adunlop wrote:
>> Why do you bother to post here with nothing constructive to say?  I
>> joined this mailing list to learn about Linux and to learn from
>> interesting people, not to listen to bitter people rant about how  
>> much
>> they hate a company.
>> I guess I should ask at this point what the point of this mailing  
>> list
>> is.  If it's devoted to Linux nerds, cool technology and ideas,
>> awesome.  If it's not, it's probably time to let things end.  Are
>> there even monthly meetings anymore?  Is there *any* focus or
>> leadership here?
>> On May 7, 2009, at 12:30 AM, GreyGeek wrote:
>>> "we"?  You speak for everyone?   I think not.
>>> Mirroring your statement...
>>> I get it.   You love Microsoft and are enthusiastic in your
>>> blindness to
>>> their unethical and illegal behavior.    Sad.
>>> GG
>>> adunlop wrote:
>>>> We get it.  You don't like Microsoft.  Yay.
>>>>> And, you experience should tell you there is a difference between
>>>>> the
>>>>> one "insecure" system and another.   Less than a dozen (or even a
>>>>> thousand renamed Windows jpg viruses plus the 6 original)  Linux
>>>>> virii
>>>>> in the wild in the last 15 years hardly compares to the several
>>>>> that infects Windows.
>>>>> I
>>>>> GG
>>>>> Charles Leslie wrote:
>>>>>>>> I wouldn't say one system is "more secure" than another one,
>>>>>>>> simply
>>>>>>>> because my experience shows that nearly all systems are
>>>>>>>> "insecure".
>>>>>>>> The only difference is in the way that system is used.
>>>>>>> Care to reconsider?
> ----
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