[huskerlug] Re: Anti-Virus for GNU/Linux? My simple notes for n00bs

  • From: Steve <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: huskerlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 11:58:28 -0500

For those that are curious, here is a link I found that lists a few viruses 
for Linux:


It's really kind of interesting to read through.  Especially the 
cross-platform Linux/Windoze virus.  Although it's only a proof of concept 
virus, it opens up the door to a lot of possibilities.

And just to set the record straight on a few things:

I don't personally worry about getting infected with a virus on a Linux or 
Unix machine.  Why?  I don't have any of my e-mail programs configured to 
auto execute programs based on e-mail content.  Kmail is even configured so 
it doesn't display http e-mail by default.  I also don't run programs sent to 
me from unknown sources, and I only log in as root when absolutely necessary.  

I also believe that it is more difficult to write a virus that will cause 
wide-spread infection among *nix users.  Why?  There is enough variation in 
the various *nixes that it makes it more difficult to write a virus that can 
attack all, or even most of them.  Even within just the Linux camp, there are 
enough variations in the various distros that it would require more time and 
effort on the part of a virus writer to create a virus the spreads 
effectively.  One example of this is the OpenSSL security hole found last 
year.  The early exploits would work in some of the *nix OSes, and not 
others.  If it worked on Linux, it may not work on *BSD and vice versa.  And,  
*nix systems tend to run on more architectures than windows.  So a virus/worm 
that may work on Linux/i386 may not work on Linux/SPARC.  However, a 
virus/worm writer who is seeking recognition/glory will probably write their 
virus for Linux/i386 to get the most bang for the buck.

Also, as Patrick and others have pointed out, end user applications on *nix 
based OSes typically have a more secure default setup than their windoze 
counterparts (or they don't even include the potentially dangerous "features" 
all together).  

Do I run a virus scanner at home?  No, not yet.  Eventually I will.  Why?  
More for curiosity than anything.  I like to see how many viruses are 
actually sent to me, and although some e-mails obviously contain a virus, not 
all of them are so easy to spot.  I'd also like to keep some of them around 
for future testing (personal and work related).  Although I'm not worried 
about my *nix machines becoming infected, I will eventually have a windoze 
box or 2 in my house for various reasons (i.e. gaming, kids programs, etc.) 
and they do need to be protected with AV software.

I just don't believe that *nix will NEVER have a virus (because as the link 
above shows, there are already a few out there).  

Steve Bremer
Real Men don't make backups. They upload it via ftp and let the world 
mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds
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P.S.  If anyone is interested in a copy of the Sobig.F virus, I've got about 
4500 of them in quarantine at work ;-)  

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