[HUF] Non siamo ad un asilo nido

  • From: SystemFAILURE BioHazard <root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: huf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:30:55 +0200

Mi sono letteralmente rotto il caXXo di 'sti due tizi , rimanessero fuori , non ce ne facciamo nulla di due BAMBOCCI .

* blackcode (566e9b4a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #huf
<[[HUF]]> Hello blackcode ! Type !help to read about my functions !
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to blackcode
<blackcode> DI CONQUISTARE IL MONDO? (o il bot?)
<blackcode> WAT?
<blackcode> CATTIVOOO
<SystemFAILURE> blackcode: bellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<SystemFAILURE> :************************
<Smith> SystemFAILURE: invece che insgnare ad usare il C++
<blackcode> che sfondo avete?
<blackcode> del terminale intedo
<Smith> perchè non insegnamo ad usare distro linux serie? D:
<blackcode> già tipo gentoo
<blackcode> gentoo r0xa
<Smith> o archlinux :D
<blackcode> anche archlinux
<SystemFAILURE> blackcode: io bianco ma ci leggo lo stesso
<blackcode> lol
<Smith> ..
<blackcode> SystemFAILURE: ora si ho messo nero XD
<SystemFAILURE> Smith: giusto . la prima : Arch
<SystemFAILURE> Smith: da scartare intendo
<Smith> perché è troppo difficile per te ;)
<SystemFAILURE> Mai provata
<SystemFAILURE> La scarto perche' la usi tu : D
<blackcode> pa parappa pappa pa
<Smith> per fortuna che non uso ubuntu eh
* Received a CTCP VERSION from Smith
<Smith> orco dio che lento che è ad oggiornare..
<blackcode> !help !
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<Smith> ci ha messo uno sleep in mezzo arg!
<SystemFAILURE> Smith: si , di 1s
<blackcode> posso?
* SystemFAILURE sets mode +m #huf
<Smith> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<blackcode> !help!help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help <blackcode> !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
* SystemFAILURE removes channel operator status from blackcode
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<Smith> lol?
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<Smith> ci metterà due ore a finire
<Smith> comunque
<SystemFAILURE> Smith: no , legge solo il primo help
* Smith has changed the topic to: PAGLIACCIO DI GHIACCIO
* ChanServ has changed the topic to: // Hackers United Force (SystemFAILURE)
-ChanServ- BlackCode deleted from #HUF AOP list.
<Smith> comunque togli questa merda
<SystemFAILURE> -.- no
<Smith> vogliamo il topic cretino
<SystemFAILURE> Che ci vuole
<SystemFAILURE> Buca l'unrealircd
<SystemFAILURE> :)
<SystemFAILURE> Non e' aggiornato ? :)
<SystemFAILURE> O hai finito i tty ? :) asjuasuhashuasasuhasuashu
* SystemFAILURE sets mode -m #huf
* SystemFAILURE gives channel operator status to blackcode
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
* SystemFAILURE removes channel operator status from blackcode
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<Smith> lol
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<blackcode> !help
* SystemFAILURE sets mode +m #huf
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml
<Smith> ...
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<SystemFAILURE> Mannaggia avevo dimenticato il +m
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<Smith> fai in modo che il bot risponda in query
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<SystemFAILURE> Smith: via notice
<Smith> si, stessa cosa
* blackcode (566e9b4a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has left #huf
* blackcode (566e9b4a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #huf
<[[HUF]]> Hello blackcode ! Type !help to read about my functions !
<Smith> WAT?
* Smith gives voice to blackcode
<blackcode> !help
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<blackcode> !help
<blackcode> !help
<blackcode> !help
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<blackcode> !help
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<blackcode> !help
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
* SystemFAILURE removes voice from blackcode
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml
* SystemFAILURE removes channel operator status from Smith
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
-ChanServ- Smith deleted from #HUF AOP list.
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
* reinchek has quit (Leaving)
-ChanServ- blackcode added to #huf AOP list.
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
-ChanServ- smith added to #huf AOP list.
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
* SystemFAILURE gives channel operator status to blackcode Smith
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
* SystemFAILURE removes channel operator status from blackcode
* SystemFAILURE sets ban on *!*@*.mibbit.com
* SystemFAILURE has kicked blackcode from #huf (SystemFAILURE)
* SystemFAILURE removes channel operator status from Smith
* SystemFAILURE sets ban on *!*@*.FD48D9DB.E02FA160.IP
* SystemFAILURE has kicked Smith from #huf (SystemFAILURE)
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
-ChanServ- Smith deleted from #HUF AOP list.
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml
-ChanServ- BlackCode deleted from #HUF AOP list.
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = mostra questo messaggio
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = mostra informazioni riguardo la partecipazione alla ml <[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = mostra informazioni per contattare l'owner della HUF
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<[[HUF]]> !help = shows this message
<[[HUF]]> !help-ml-partecipation = shows informations about the partecipation in the ml
<[[HUF]]> !help-huf-owner = shows informations to contact the HUF owner
<[[HUF]]> [----------------------]
<x0kster> chi è il ghey che l'ha flooddato?
<SystemFAILURE> BlackCode e Smith
<SystemFAILURE> Appena kickbannati fino a quando non mi va giu0
<SystemFAILURE> (fino a quando mi scazza la rabbia)
<x0kster> oh ma vaffanculo, alla faccia della serietà
<SystemFAILURE> E' da ieri che sono tentato di mandarli a fanculo dalla huf
<SystemFAILURE> Eh appunto
<x0kster> abbiamo a che fare con dei bambocci
<SystemFAILURE> Anzi sai che ti dico
<SystemFAILURE> Li espello dalla ml
<x0kster> bravo si
<x0kster> non è un asilo nido sto qui
<SystemFAILURE> Eliminati dalla op list
* Michele (Michele@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #huf
<[[HUF]]> Hello Michele ! Type !help to read about my functions !
* SystemFAILURE sets ban on *!*@*.1EC2130.F980204.IP
* SystemFAILURE has kicked Michele from #huf (SystemFAILURE)
<SystemFAILURE> Smith unsubscritto
<SystemFAILURE> BlackCode pure
<SystemFAILURE> E fanculo .

SystemFAILURE BioHazard
Email address : root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Micro$oft Network : msn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jabber : root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// HUF Founder
/* Heaven Knows That I Love YOU :**: */
/* Heaven Has A Ring Around YOU ,
  If You Don't See It , Know That It's TRUE :**: */
ProShell System Administrator // it was wonderful , many thanks to all

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