[hrbcomittee] Fwd: HBA AGM 2022 Notice of Meeting, Agenda & Trustee Elections

  • From: Martin <martin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hrbcomittee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 12:53:19 +0000

Garry, are you representing HRB at the meeting ?

This e-mail is from
Martin Rosen

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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        HBA AGM 2022 Notice of Meeting, Agenda & Trustee Elections
Date:   Sat, 12 Mar 2022 11:00:16 +0000
From:   HBA AGM <agm@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To:       HBA AGM <agm@xxxxxxxxx>
To:     Mr. Martin Rosen <martin@xxxxxxxxxx>

HBA - The National Association of Hospital Broadcasting Organisations
Hospital Broadcasting Association <https://www.hbauk.com/>

Annual General Meeting, Saturday 19th March,

online via Zoom,at 1:45pm for a 2pm start

*CLICK HERE TO REGISTER* <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdeyqrT8jHdIMNZ48Dd9IXIQ7miftqVlD>

Dear Martin,

This is a reminder that the HBA Annual General Meeting will be held on online, a week today - starting at 2pm on Saturday 19th March 2022. Attendance at the meeting is open to representatives of all Full Member stations, and to Associate Members, without charge. This year, unusually, there is a contested election to the Trustee Board.

*If possible, please register before the day, and please join the meeting at 1:45pm to allow for accreditation. You will be sent a personalised link to join the meeting.*

*If no-one from your station can attend, please ensure that you have your say by casting a proxy vote.*

Under the Association's constitution, as amended at the EGM in November 2020, the Trustees are entitled to decide to hold an online-only General Meeting if it is impossible or impractical to hold the meeting in a physical location. Given the very recent removal of Coronavirus restrictions in England, it was not practical to book a venue in time to to hold a physical AGM on the previously-circulated date, and thus participation in the meeting will only be possible online via Zoom.

*Participating in the meeting*

The person representing your station at the AGM will need to EITHER:

 * be a "Station Administrator" of your station according to our
   membership database; OR
 * have been authorised to represent the station by one of your
   station's committee members (see below).

Recipients of this email are "Station Administrators" for their station themselves, and can check who else is affiliated with their station, and the access level granted to them, by visiting our Station Affiliates <https://hbauk.com/station/associates/all> page and logging-in using the email address to which this email was sent.

If you wish someone other than an existing registered Station Administrator to represent your station during the meeting, please follow the process below for appointing someone other than the Chair of the meeting as your station's authorised representative/proxy.

If at all possible, the person representing your station should register <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdeyqrT8jHdIMNZ48Dd9IXIQ7miftqVlD> ahead of the day, in order to speed-up accreditation. On the day, they should join the meeting as soon after 1:45pm as possible.


1. To adopt the Minutes of the AGM held on 20th March 2021
   as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
2. To receive the Trustees' Annual Report and Accounts for the year to
   31st August 2021
3. Elections to the Trustee Board:
    1. To re-elect Nigel Dallard of Winchester Radio (nominated by
       Winchester Radio)
    2. To elect Chris Hughes of Hereford Hospital Radio (nominated by
       Hereford Hospital Radio)
    3. To elect Graham Medhurst of Hospital Radio Chelmsford (nominated
       by Hospital Radio Chelmsford)
    4. To elect Steve Wyatt of Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio
       (nominated by Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio)

As the elections are contested (3 places for 4 nominees), a full ballot will take place in the meeting, during which each station will be able to vote for up to 3 of the candidates. The 3 candidates with the most votes will be elected. Each candidate has provided an Election Address <https://www.hbauk.com/system/files/Candidates%20Election%20Addresses.pdf> to help you decide.

*Appointing a Representative or Proxy to vote on your station's behalf*

If you would like to appoint the Chairman of the meeting to act as your station's proxy, and instruct them how to vote, please send an email to amy.palmer@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:amy.palmer@xxxxxxxxx?subject=AGM%20Proxy%20Vote> stating:

On behalf of STATION NAME, I appoint the chairman of the meeting to act as our proxy at the HBA's 2022 AGM.

I instruct them to vote as follows:

*Motion 1:* To adopt the Minutes of the AGM held on 20th March 2021 as a true and accurate record of the meeting. YES/NO/ABSTAIN/AS THEY SEE FIT (delete as applicable)

*Motion 2:* To receive the Trustees' Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31st August 2021. YES/NO/ABSTAIN/AS THEY SEE FIT (delete as applicable)

*Motion 3:* Elections to the Trustee Board: Please vote for NO MORE THAN THREE of the following:

1. Nigel Dallard (Winchester Radio) YES/NO (delete as applicable)
2. Chris Hughes (Hereford Hospital Radio) YES/NO (delete as applicable)
3. Graham Medhurst (Hospital Radio Chelmsford) YES/NO (delete as
4. Steve Wyatt (Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio) YES/NO (delete as


*NB:* Please do not reply to this email with your proxy votes, or otherwise email them to agm@xxxxxxxxx; Nigel Dallard is assisting Amy with the accreditation of members' representatives to participate in the meeting, and it would be unfair for him to know in advance the election votes for those stations instructing the Chair of the meeting to cast their votes by proxy.

If you would like to appoint another person to act as your station's representative/proxy at the meeting, all you need to do is reply to this email or send an email to agm@xxxxxxxxx (not to Amy) and state:

On behalf of STATION NAME, I appoint PERSON'S NAME to act as our authorised representative/proxy at the HBA's 2022 AGM.


In this case, how you instruct your representative/proxy to vote, and ensure that they cast the vote as instructed, is a private matter between your station and the appointed person.

Further details about the AGM and how to participate are now available on the HBA website at www.hbauk.com/agm <https://www.hbauk.com/agm>, along with copies of all the documents referred to above.

Following the formal business, there will be a short informal meeting, during which members will be free to raise any topic.

*CLICK HERE TO REGISTER* <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdeyqrT8jHdIMNZ48Dd9IXIQ7miftqVlD>

*If possible, please register before the day, and please join the meeting at 1:45pm to allow for accreditation. You will be sent a personalised link to join the meeting.*

We hope to see you there.

*Amy and the Trustees*

Follow us on social media

HBA on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/ukhba> HBA on LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/company/hbauk> HBA on Twitter <https://twitter.com/theHBAuk>

HBA is the operating name of the National Association of Hospital Broadcasting Organisations. Registered in England and Wales as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No. 1015501).
You can unsubscribe from the HBA mailings on this specific list by clicking on Unsubscribe <https://www.hbauk.com/civicrm/mailing/optout?reset=1&jid=4249&qid=136506&h=c1ae8906055dcabe> where you can see all the mailing lists you have subscribed to, or can subscribe to.
*Principal Office:* 19 Rowan Court, Norwich, NR5 0PT

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