[HFbeacons] Beacons for 25 April

  • From: "W. Keith Hibbert" <wkhibbert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 10mprop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, hfbeacons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:26:33 -0400

Hi, Keith here in Amherst, NY

Got an answer for my "Mystery" call, while listening to LU4JJ today, the signal 'split', multipath resulted in what appeared to be two separate signals with a very slight delay between them. I am thinking both short & long path making it here at the same time.

Anyway, the 'XO' call was actually the 5th & 6th figures of the grid square. With CX5AZ mixed in with the other signals it was a bear to sort out, hi!

Here's the tally today, I was only able to monitor after 2000Z

28.1710  XE1FAS - Strong until dark, still in there 1 hour after sunset
28.1830  XE1RCS - Solid from 2000Z until after 0000Z, Still there now
28.1960  LU4JJ - With its 'Echo'
28.1960  CX5AZ - Heard until dark
28.2000  LU4AA
28.2255  W2DLL
28.2633  PT9AAA - Not the listed frequency, strong until 2330Z
28.2737  PY4MAB - 559 with deep QSB until dark

All South America except Dana here on ground wave. I don't have any doctors appointments or PT scheduled and it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, I'll be at the rig, you betcha!

73, Keith, WB2VUO
Amherst, NY: Grid FN02ox

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  • » [HFbeacons] Beacons for 25 April - W. Keith Hibbert