[HFbeacons] 2013-03-11 - 34 beacons heard

  • From: Georg Kehl <georgfk@xxxxxx>
  • To: 10Mprop KC0TKS <10mprop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "[HF-Beacons]" <hfbeacons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 23:07:35 +0100

This morning I was logging the beacon 5B4CY continuous and it was via F Layer.
My reception report from locator JN39ur:
Frequency       Call    Locator         Km      UTC     RST     Mode    Remarks
28.16730        LU3DBJ  GF05UG  11404   16:27   439     F       
28.17500        VE3TEN  FN14    6078    15:23   589     F       
28.18200        VY0SNO  FP53RS  4579    15:39   569     F       
28.18950        LU2DT   GF02FA  11758   16:17   559     F       
28.19310        LU2ERC  GF15AD  11397   16:22   569     F       
28.19610        LU4JJ   GF08XO  11094   16:20   439     F       
28.19680        LU5FB   FF97    11357   16:21   579     F       
28.20000        5Z4B    KI88KS  6309    09:44   599     F       
28.20000        LU4AA   GF05TJ  11397   16:15   549     F       
28.20000        RR9O    NO14KX  4885    10:13   599+20  F       
28.20000        VK6RBP  OF87AV  13922   09:13   599+10  F       
28.20330        PY2WFG  GG77FF  9610    16:14   599+10  F       
28.20547        N3NIA   FN01ST  6362    15:21   559     F       
28.21020        NT4F    FM14AE  6892    15:35   589     F       
28.21600        K3FX    FN20XE  6192    15:19   599     F       
28.21790        WA1LAD  FN41FQ  5924    15:56   559     F       
28.21870        KN8DMK  EM89OO  6798    15:32   559     F       
28.22250        N4QDK   EM96    6913    15:18   589     F       
28.22550        W2DLL   FN02PP  6319    15:55   599+10  F       
28.22930        KA2LIM  FN12NF  6232    15:30   569     F       
28.22940        ZL2MHF  RE78NU  18637   08:39   439     F       
28.23201        N2MH    FN20UT  6164    15:15   599     F       
28.24585        KG2GL   FN22HS  6098    15:52   569     F       
28.26000        VK5WI   PF95GD  15726   09:49   599+10  F       
28.26300        VK3RRU  QF15AT  15930   07:15   579     F       
28.26380        VK6RWA  OF78WB  13898   09:51   579     F       
28.26395        AB8Z    EN91DJ  6597    15:50   569     F       
28.26798        VK8VF   PH57KP  13398   09:07   569     F       
28.27310        WF4HAM  EL98HP  7554    15:03   569     F       
28.27390        PY4MAB  GG68RE  9573    16:19   589     F       
28.27537        KG4GVV  EM93WA  7126    15:02   599     F       
28.28670        K3XR    FN10XH  6314    15:46   589     F       
28.28670        W0ILO   EN16    7093    15:47   589     F       
28.29980        KF4MS   EM70VM  7596    14:58   549     F       

Rig: TRX IC-735, Ant: Groundplane and 4-element-beam

Best 73´s and good dx
Website: http://www.mydarc.de/dj7kg

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  • » [HFbeacons] 2013-03-11 - 34 beacons heard - Georg Kehl