[HUG ] Re: B Setting on P30 back with 503CW

  • From: "Franc Flipsen" <fujifan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <hasselblad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 16:22:41 -0700

Hi Richard,

The back needs to be set for long exposure.  Check the manual or contact 
phaseone for instructions on how to set it.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Man
  To: hasselblad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 3:05 PM
  Subject: [HUG ] B Setting on P30 back with 503CW

  Thank you for the advice re: B setting. It's indeed a defective lens. I am 
renting a 50/CFi lens locally and it works fine.... until the B setting:

  I am having trouble with the 503CW and a P30 back (not the P30+). The 
images are fine all up to 1 sec (or at least after I found a lens without 
lens shutter issue with low speed). However, with B, first, it always 
terminates no more than after 5-6 secs even if I hold the shutter release 
down longer, and second, it never seems to obtain an image.

  I have checked the B setting does hold the lens shutter open by removing 
the back and raising the mirror so I can see through the iris. The lens 
shutter seems to operate as it should.

  I tried two different sync cables with the same result. I also tried 
raising the mirror and again the result is the same.

  Any idea? I know the P30 back doesn't do as low light as the P30+, but 
it's almost like hardly any light is admitted.


  // richard <http://www.imagecraft.com/>
  // icc blog: <http://imagecraft.com/blog/>
  // photo blog: <http://www.5pmlight.com>
  [ For technical support on ImageCraft products, please include all 
previous replies in your msgs. ]

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