[harbor] Re: To Do

  • From: "Johnny Kewl" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <harbor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 23:49:42 +0200

I imagine in this weird world the "Money Priests" are now vying for SA attention. Now that I see how this planet works, I don't think it matters who wins this SA election, they work for the same people the Pope does... ha ha I see the Pope has now fired his Bishop that thinks the holocaust was staged.
These "Money Priests" in Tel Aviv own everything, including the Vatican!
You see... we do all have the same god, ha ha

They run a pole, choose a man, check if he is buyable, election over, done deal. In a weird way its probably going to be a good thing for SA, there's a lot of money out there looking for a home, and SA's economy wasn't too badly banged by this. So, sort out Zims, create some employment, the dollar is monopoly money now anyway, may as well spend it and get some real gold in return, and hey presto, its a good place for the rich to buy and invest... SA will become Tel Aviv 2... ha ha

I've also got a certified estate agency, so I should jump on a plane and rush off to Cape Town ;) Sell houses to the "Money Priests" and get them to buy Cristiano Ronaldo and Brad Pitt a house or two, run that news in every paper, I'd make a fortune for these bankers. Put up Bill Boards on every bus and road to soccer stadiums saying, "your insurance premiums are safe with the Money Priests, Obama says so". You buy but the deal is so much sweater if you use this transfer attorney because you can actually pay your installments in Europe or the USA!
Don't worry your house is insured by a trusted "British" company.
See, I got this game, SA sells its assets, gets a loan, and then pays Bermuda for eternity.

To answer the question, SA of Israel is very likely a safe bet, because as we now know, presidents are all fakes, elections don't matter. Oh, I saw an ad the other day where Richard Branson also thinks SA is a good investment, so I guess we have had the election already, nothing to worry about... ha ha Now I know how Richard made his money, and here I thought hard working people made it, no wonder he smiles so much ;)

SA has kind of fallen through the cracks, which is probably a good thing... my guess, safe bet and because they sucked us dry, a palace here is probably what a double garage would cost you at home ;)

Banker bashing is now most definitely my favorite sport ;)

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