[openbeos] Re: Google SoC

  • From: "Jorge G. Mare (a.k.a. Koki)" <koki@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:30:00 -0800


If my understanding is correct, to be seriously considered as a mentor organization, we need at least two mentors (devs) for one single student (having a third one as a backup is even better). This entails certain responsibilities for the mentors, and involvement by the community so that the mentee feels comfortable (asking questions on the list/IRC, etc.).

The upside is that we could get a paid developer for a few months, so it is certainly worth trying. But our pool of devs is not that big, so the question is who can become a mentor. Any volunteers out there?



Michael Phipps wrote:
Not that I am paranoid or anything. :-D
We were only late the first year, and that was only because I didn't hear of it. We were just out and out turned down, last year, with our on-time entry. We will try again this year. :-)


François Revol wrote:
Let's try not to be too late this year.



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