[haiku-sysadmin] Daily Summary for vmrepo.haiku-os.org

  • From: root on vmrepo <root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 07:55:08 +0100 (CET)

# System State

top - 07:55:01 up 1 day, 22:52,  0 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.10, 0.16
Tasks: 131 total,   1 running, 130 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  4.5 us,  0.5 sy,  0.0 ni, 93.9 id,  1.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:   1584972 total,  1417940 used,   167032 free,    77048 buffers
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 used,        0 free,  1082492 cached

    1    2768 00:00:05 /sbin/init showopts
  241   14608 00:00:07 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
  287    1352 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
  374     928 00:00:00 /sbin/auditd -n
  543     676 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/acpid -n -f
  544    1308 00:00:04 /usr/sbin/nscd --foreground
  547   10528 00:03:05 python /usr/local/bin/irkerd -d1
  549    1468 00:00:03 /bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --n
  550    1400 00:00:01 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind
  569    2636 00:00:33 /usr/sbin/syslog-ng -F
 1655    4968 00:00:00 /sbin/dhclient -v -cf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.conf -l
 2863    4976 00:00:00 /sbin/dhclient6 -6 -v -D LL -cf /var/lib/dhcp6/dhclient6.
 3009    2784 00:03:24 /usr/sbin/collectd -C /etc/collectd.conf -f
 3136    4448 00:00:07 /usr/sbin/httpd2-worker -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -DSSL 
 3339     640 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/svn_error_%Y%m%d
 3340     524 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/packages_error_%
 3341     524 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/hg_error_%Y%m%d
 3342     524 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/git_error_%Y%m%d
 3343     636 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/cgit_error_%Y%m%
 3344     644 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/svn_transfer_%Y%
 3345     528 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/svn_actions_%Y%m
 3346     636 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/packages_transfe
 3347     528 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/packages_transfe
 3348     644 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/hg_transfer_%Y%m
 3349     528 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/hg_transfer_%Y%m
 3350     636 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/git_transfer_%Y%
 3351     636 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/git_transfer_%Y%
 3352     640 00:00:01  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/cgit_transfer_%Y
 3353     636 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/cgit_transfer_%Y
 3354    2344 00:00:05  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-worker -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -D
 3357   49396 00:00:16  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-worker -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -D
 3358   44808 00:00:12  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-worker -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -D
 3360   49272 00:00:16  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-worker -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -D
 3139    1704 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 3160     712 00:00:00 /usr/lib/git/git-daemon --syslog --detach --reuseaddr --u
25208    1152 00:00:00  \_ /usr/lib/git/git-daemon --serve --syslog --detach --r
25209    1076 00:00:00      \_ git upload-pack --strict --timeout=0 .
25210   20656 00:00:00          \_ git-upload-pack --strict --timeout=0 .
 3164     632 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty --keep-baud ttyS0 115200 38400 9600
 3238    1716 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 3255    1000 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
 3308    1032 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postfix/master
 3326    1320 00:00:00  \_ qmgr -l -t fifo -u
25175    1180 00:00:00  \_ pickup -l -t fifo -u
 3338    1324 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron -n
26740    1980 00:00:00  \_ /USR/SBIN/CRON -n
26744    1120 00:00:00      \_ /bin/sh -c  /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/send-daily-
26746    1236 00:00:00          \_ /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/send-daily-summary
26758     968 00:00:00              \_ ps f -eo pid,rss=SIZE_KB,time,cmd
26760     284 00:00:00              \_ cut -c-80
 3359     612 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty --noclear tty1
 3487    5444 00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql92/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgres/data
 3488    1000 00:00:00  \_ postgres: logger process                             
 3490    1116 00:00:00  \_ postgres: checkpointer process                       
 3491    1136 00:00:01  \_ postgres: writer process                             
 3492     900 00:00:01  \_ postgres: wal writer process                         
 3493    1840 00:00:00  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process                
 3494    1076 00:00:00  \_ postgres: stats collector process                    
 3524    1724 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 3526    1004 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
20000    1720 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
20001    1008 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
29676    1724 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
29677    1008 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
  612    1720 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
  613    1012 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
14960    1720 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
14961    1016 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
 1020    1720 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 1021    1020 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
 9427    1724 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 9428    1024 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
23329    1724 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
23330    1036 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
 2922    1748 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 2923    1044 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
16204    1752 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
16205    1048 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
26054    1760 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
26055    1068 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           
 5440    1756 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
 5441    1076 00:00:00  \_ (sd-pam)           

disk usage:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        99G   15G   80G  16% /
devtmpfs        769M   32K  769M   1% /dev
tmpfs           774M     0  774M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           774M   13M  762M   2% /run
tmpfs           774M     0  774M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           774M   13M  762M   2% /var/lock
tmpfs           774M   13M  762M   2% /var/run

# Pending Updates
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
No updates found.

# General Backups

*** Starting Backup for etc ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M Feb 16 06:23 /var/tmp/2014-02-16.06-23-01.tbz.gpg
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.0]
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host

*** Starting Backup for root ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.5M Feb 16 06:23 /var/tmp/2014-02-16.06-23-15.tbz
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.0]
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host

*** Starting Backup for home ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48K Feb 16 06:23 /var/tmp/2014-02-16.06-23-25.tbz.gpg
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.0]
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host

*** Starting Backup for var_log ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17M Feb 16 06:23 /var/tmp/2014-02-16.06-23-34.tbz
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.0]
ssh: connect to host mmadia.dyndns.org port 22: No route to host

# Git Repo Sync to Github
To git@xxxxxxxxxx:haiku/haiku.git
   47343f6..8f4db36  master -> master
To git@xxxxxxxxxx:haiku/haiku.git
   8f4db36..ef18b77  master -> master

# Git Repo Sync to Gitorious
remote: => Syncing Gitorious... [OK]        
To git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:haiku/haiku.git
   47343f6..8f4db36  master -> master
remote: => Syncing Gitorious... [OK]        
To git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:haiku/haiku.git
   8f4db36..ef18b77  master -> master

# Fetch from external Haiku repos
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!
fatal: remote error: 
  Repository not found.
error: Could not fetch midar-github
! unable to fetch from some community repositories!

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