[haiku-development] Re: Dev on OS X / PPC

  • From: "Rene Gollent" <anevilyak@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:49:20 -0600


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Travis Galloway
<travisgalloway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I had asked earlier about using a specific GCC version. What I really should
> have asked was if I could develop directly from within OS X. Is it worth the
> effort, or should I throw on a Linux distro?

Someone can correct me on this if I'm mistaken, but I believe for PPC
you want to be using Haiku's gcc4 cross compiler. In order to do this,
you'll need a checkout of both haiku/trunk and buildtools/trunk, and
you'll need to run the following from the haiku dir: ./configure
--build-cross-tools-gcc4 ppc ../buildtools/

Assuming you have the buildtools checkout at the same top level dir as
haiku, otherwise adjust the path to buildtools as needed. This should
build you a cross compiler that you can then use to build Haiku
itself. There's partial PPC work in the kernel but it hasn't really
been maintained with all the kernel changes that have been made,
though I believe it does still build.

Hope that helps,


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