[hackpgh-discuss] Re: ergonomics

  • From: "j. eric townsend" <jet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 23:56:24 -0400

On 4/23/16 02:11, Steven Owens wrote:

The kinesis is awesome, but it messes with the special keys too much (ctrl,
alt, esc, etc).

Some of those keys are the problem, especially if you use emacs. What you do with a Kinesis is reprogram some of the thumb keys -- it's now completely obvious to me that cmd, ctrl, and opt are under the thumb.

There are a lot of these trade-offs in ergo. I now have a mouse on the right, trackpad on the left, and 3dconexxion that I can move from one side to another. One of my coworkers at Apple had foot switches for shift and cmd, one of my friends has some crazy dvorak setup that only makes sense in his crazy view of coding.

J. Eric Townsend
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