[hackpgh-discuss] Re: Fri Night Linux Install Fest!

  • From: Matthew Beckler <matthew@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 07:16:27 -0500

For the ubuntu folks "LTS" doesn't mean anything about day-to-day stability (not crashing), it instead means that they'll provide security fixes for at least 4 years (instead of the standard 2 for any other release) so the LTS versions are good if you're not interested in upgrading for the latest and greatest software but still want security updates.

On 2/28/2012 11:07 PM, Douglas Philips wrote:
We've confirmed the WPLUG group is coming to the shop for our Friday night 
(March 16th) Linux install fest!

I'm writing to find out what Distros folks are looking for assistance 
They're "standard" list is:
  Fedora 16, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Debian 6.0.4, and CentOS 6.2. (32 
and 64-bit versions)

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is the Long Term Stable release, though it is my understanding 
that 11.10 is stable, it's just not blessed-as-soooper-stable. :-)

If you have another distro that you're interested in, please reply on or off 
list and I'll pass this info along.

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