[gulfrre] Charla de MySql, Lunes 3, 20 hs en la UNLAM

  • From: Ezequiel Singer <Ezequiel.Singer@xxxxxxx>
  • To: destinatarios-no-revelados: ;
  • Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2008 15:02:50 -0200

Los invitamos a todos una charla libre y abierta de MySql, la base de datos mas popular del mundo a cargo de Kaj Arno el próximo Lunes 3 de noviembre a las 20 hs en el aula 122 de la Univ. Nacional de la Matanza, Florencio Varela 1903 - (B1754JEC) San Justo - Pcia. Buenos Aires. http://www.unlam.edu.ar/

Para llegar:
Transporte: Colectivos: 46, 88, 96, 174, 205, 620, 621.
Linea Ex-Sarmiento - Metropolitano - Estacion San Justo.

Están todos invitados, los esperamos


Bio de Kaj:
Kaj joined MySQL in 2001, after 14 years as an entrepreneur. He split his 
company into two, selling the half focusing on MySQL Training to MySQL AB and 
launching MySQL's training department as VP Training. Since then, Kaj has been 
VP Professional Services, VP Services, and VP Engineering at MySQL, before 
assuming his last pure-MySQL role of VP Community Relations in 2005. With MySQL 
AB being acquired by Sun, Kaj continues to lead the MySQL community efforts, 
but devotes most of his time to his role as MySQL's Ambassador to Sun. This 
involves meeting with Sun teams, customers and communities across 
organisational and geographical boundaries.

<http://www.sun.com>      * Ezequiel Fernando Singer *
Andes, Caribbean, Central America and Mexico campus ambassador coordinator

*Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
Av. Madero 900 piso 20
Buenos Aires, Argentina c1106ACV AR
Phone 54-11 4317-5600
Mobile 156-511-9003
Email Ezequiel.Singer@xxxxxxx

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  • » [gulfrre] Charla de MySql, Lunes 3, 20 hs en la UNLAM - Ezequiel Singer