[guide.chat] throw away dog

  • From: "harold kitching" <harold.kitching01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "guide chat" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 21:48:53 -0000

Throw-Away Dog
By Joyce Laird

The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the 
most precious and valuable possession of mankind.
~Theodorus Gaza

Five years ago I had to do what every dog lover dreads the most, bring 
peace to a suffering friend and companion who had been at my side for 
eighteen years. My Lady Bear, a white Husky, could no longer walk, and 
at my age and with my arthritis I could no longer lift the large girl 
to carry her outside. I decided that after fifty years of dogs in my 
life, their lives were too short and mine was too long. Even though I 
figure I have about twenty years left, maybe more, and that would be 
about two dog lives, I was not going to get another and go through the 
pain of losing one again. But as the weeks turned into months, and even 
though I love my cats, I missed a dog around the house. My heart ached 
for Lady Bear. I missed the walks, the playing outside, the look of 
love in a dog's eyes when she looks up at you.
I started looking online and in the papers to see what a new pup would 
cost. I wanted either a Husky like Lady or maybe a Collie like my first 
two dogs. I'd always had big dogs. When I saw that breeders were asking 
three times my mortgage payment for a pup, it ended my search. I 
definitely could not afford it and even though my heart goes out to 
rescuing pets, I was loathe to try the animal shelter because any dog 
at my house had to get along with cats. I didn't want to bring one 
home, have a drama ensue, and then have to return the poor thing. So I 
simply stopped looking.

One morning, two years after Lady died, I heard a neighbor calling for 
help. There was a dog bothering her cat. I came out to help and found a 
Terrier-size dog sitting in her bushes with her cat. But the cat was 
not the one having the problem, the dog was. The dog was dancing around 
the cat and trying to lick the old Tom, who was not interested in being 
kissed by a dog. I grabbed the little dog to prevent him from losing an 
eye to the claws of the Tom, and took him to my yard until she could 
get the cat inside.

The neighbor suggested I turn the dog loose so he would find his way 
home. I hesitated but gave in. The dog seemed to be confused by his 
surroundings and started wandering in the street, obviously not used to 
traffic. He went from door to door in the neighborhood, scratching to 
be let in. People chased him away, and after I saw him almost hit by a 
UPS truck, I couldn't stand it and ran out and scooped him up. I 
brought him to the safety of my house and fenced-in yard.

The little dog was friendly and had obviously been raised with cats 
because he liked the neighbor's cat and wanted to snuggle up with mine 
when he came inside. I assumed he was a pet that had escaped from a 
local house because he was neutered and looked well fed, but he had no 
collar or ID. He found the cache of Lady's old toys immediately, pulled 
out several and started playing with them. It was as if he knew they 
were there waiting for him. I dismissed the thought that a greater 
force was at work.
I made signs and put them on the front fence and then proceeded to post 
them all around the neighborhood. I found an old puppy collar from one 
of my past dogs that fit him, hooked him up to a leash and started 
walking him for miles in different directions, asking everyone I saw if 
they knew the dog or his owners. No luck. This was no small task 
because the dog had no training and walking him was work. It was second 
nature for me to start training him as we walked, and I was surprised 
at how quickly he learned. At the park two blocks from my house a bunch 
of kids told me that they had seen a car pull up and toss the dog into 
the parking lot, and then drive away. Still I figured there was a 
chance that it was a mistake. The kids could be wrong. It might not be 
the same dog. It was summer and perhaps someone was on vacation and the 
dog got away. Maybe someone was dog sitting and the dog had 
accidentally slipped out through an open gate.

I took the dog to the vet and learned that he was a Puggle - half Pug 
and half Beagle - and about two years old. He had the coloring and was 
the size of a Beagle, but had the stocky build and the big round eyes 
of a Pug. He was a handsome little guy. I ran ads in both local and 
county newspapers in the "found" section, and posted online just in 
case he was lost by someone from another area. I had a few inquiries, 
but none was the right dog.

One day when I was talking about the dog with my neighbor from across 
the street, he said that I had done all that was humanly possible to 
find the dog's owners. He knew that I missed my Lady, and he said that 
God sent this little dog to me. The dog needed someone to love and I 
needed to mend a broken heart. By then, I had come to love the little 
guy. I named him Sparky because he came to me the week of the Fourth of 
July. That was three years ago. Today, he is my constant companion. He 
sleeps on my bed at night and only leaves my side to go out in the 
backyard. I have had great dogs in my life, dogs that I loved deeply 
and still miss, but my little "throw-away" dog has been the greatest 
gift I could ever receive at this stage of my life. I think we both 
found a way to heal our broken hearts when we came together.

Reprinted by permission of Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC (c) 2011. 

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